The Kingdoms of Terror Read online
Page 12
The room is a disappointment. For five Gold Crowns you were expecting some degree of luxury, but the small and shabby accommodation you find leaves much to be desired. Steam rising from an open-topped barrel in a corner of the room clouds the air. At first you think it must be some form of heating, until you discover it is full of soapy water and realize that this is, in fact, your hot bath. The meagre luxuries of Varetta do not come cheaply.
You bathe before settling down to a good night's rest, but in the middle of the night you are woken by a bright light. A shooting star of sun-like brilliance arcs over the city, shedding a rainbow of colour across your drab room. You watch as the star slowly fades and then settle down to sleep once more. It seems as if you have only just closed your eyes when the loud and loathsome clang of the tavern bell fills your ears.
‘All awake, all awake! A new day dawns, my fine brave lads!’ As the voice of the tavern-keeper echoes through the inn, you gather your equipment and collect your horse from the stable. The night's rest restores 3 ENDURANCE points. Make the necessary adjustment to your Action Chart before setting off on your search for Brass Street.
Turn to 300.
A loud cheer shatters the silence as your arrow strikes home — you have won. The villagers are thrilled to have witnessed such an exciting tournament and crowd around you to offer their praise and congratulations. The little man in the braided jerkin presents you with your prize — a magnificent Bow made from the wood of a silver oak tree. This weapon will add 3 points to your total whenever you are using a Bow and are instructed to pick a number from the Random Number Table. Enter the Silver Bow of Duadon on your Action Chart as a Special Item and make a note of its particular property.7
After making a short speech to thank the villagers for their generosity, you shoulder your prize and head back to Cyrilus with the good news.
Turn to 33.
[7] The 3-point bonus to your Random Number picks when using this Bow can be added to the 3-point bonus you may already have with Weaponmastery with Bow for a total of 6 points. As with the bonus for Weaponmastery with Bow, you may only add this bonus when determining the success of a Bow shot.
‘Looks as like y'made it here jus' in time,’ says the cheerful innkeeper, pointing to a rain-streaked window pane. ‘It's going t'be a rough night t'night, no mistakin'.’
You discover that a room for the night costs 2 Gold Crowns, plus 1 Gold Crown for your horse's keep. A meal of black bread and hard-boiled eggs will cost you another Gold Crown, unless you choose to eat a Meal from your Backpack: you must in any case eat a Meal now or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
If you wish to pay the innkeeper for a night's lodging, turn to 35.
If you do not have enough Gold Crowns to pay for a room, turn to 54.
You run across the steering deck and down a stair to the level below, but as soon as your feet touch the bloodstained planks you are attacked from behind by two pirates.
Unless you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, deduct 2 from your COMBAT SKILL for the first round of this combat.
If you win the combat, turn to 77.
A dull throbbing pain fills your head as the leader's words reach your ears. You sense that you are being attacked by a powerful Mindforce, but your Psi-screen effectively blocks this psychic assault. However, you pretend to be in agony, hoping to make the leader think he has won victory. Everyone in the procession seems to be delighted by your apparent suffering, as if your cries are music to their ears. They press forward, unsheathing hidden daggers as they rush to encircle you.
If you wish to evade their onslaught, turn to 289.
If you wish to engage in combat with these evil men, turn to 194.
Redbeard takes you to a tavern that looks more like a banqueting hall than a city alehouse. The Inn of the Crossed Swords is the largest and noisiest tavern you have ever seen. A constant flow of soldiers pours in and out of its cathedral-like doors and the stable is large enough to house an entire army's horses. You stable your horse and accompany Redbeard through the massive oak doors.
‘Ale for my friend,’ he booms and immediately an inn-girl hurries to obey his command. He points to a table across the hall and says with a cheerful voice: ‘There he is — come and meet the captain.’
Turn to 211.
The bolt of energy burns through your chest like a red-hot poker. You recoil in pain but can no longer control your movements and are blasted high into the air, impaled upon the end of the crackling bolt. Suddenly, it vanishes, leaving you to plummet one hundred feet onto the hard, unyielding stone of the altar.
Your life and your quest end here on the sacrificial altar of the Cener Druids.
A bolt is slammed back and the great gate slowly opens. ‘At last, Esmond! Did we wake you from your — ’ Cyrilus chokes in mid-sentence, his eyes wide with shock. Inside the gate sits a warrior on a warhorse, wreathed in armour of black and gold. A crossbow rests across his forearm; it is pointed at you. Without warning, he pulls the trigger and the bolt hisses towards your chest.
Illustration XV—Without warning, the warrior pulls the trigger of his crossbow.
If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 283.
If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, turn to 164.
If you possess neither of these skills, turn to 97.
The door is old and decayed — it has not been opened for over a hundred years. If you are to find out what lies beyond it, you will have to clear away the dirt that jams the hinges.
If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus or Psi-surge, turn to 186.
If you do not have either of these skills, turn to 156.
‘We have all the company we need,’ sneers a shiny-faced warrior, his cheeks pock-marked by disease. ‘State your business or begone, lest our swords grow restless.’
If you choose to introduce yourself, turn to 130.
If you wish to call their bluff and challenge them to a fight, turn to 159.
If you decide to ignore them, take a seat elsewhere, and order some food, turn to 172.
You strike the flank of your horse and break through the startled guards in a matter of seconds, but as you gallop through the gate, two more appear and block your path. They are armed with long pikes which they slope at your chest. Tightly you rein in your horse to avoid the threatening steel tips.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, add 3 to the number you have picked.
If your total is now 0–2, turn to 99.
If it is 3–6, turn to 187.
If it is 7 or higher, turn to 22.
The green-skinned Kloon stares at you, the trace of a sneer playing on his thick rubbery lips. ‘Wait here,’ he says off-handedly and waddles out through the door, slamming it shut as he leaves.
If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 58.
If you wish to wait for him to return, turn to 116.
If you would rather leave the guild-house and continue on your way, turn to 105.
‘W … w … what do you want,’ squeals the merchant, cowering behind the edge of the table. His haughty manner has vanished with the lives of his bodyguards, and he is shaking with fear.
You push the table aside, grab him by his lapels, and hoist him to his feet.
‘Relax my friend — I only wish to ask the way to Brass Street,’ you say with a laugh.
The merchant looks at you incredulously, the sweat pouring down his ashen face. ‘The … the … the way to Brass Street?’ he stammers. ‘Of course, of course … er, let me show you.’
The terrified little man produces a crumpled piece of
parchment and hurriedly scribbles directions to Brass Street. You see that it is located on the far side of the city, close to the west wall. Taking the parchment from his twitching fingers, you bid him goodnight and step over the dead bodies of the guards. There is a sudden crash; the merchant has fainted and fallen flat on his face.
Turn to 17.
The creature stops in mid-stride, as if paralysed by some invisible force. A gurgling croak escapes from its lips and, as it locates your Arrow with its trembling paws, it collapses to its knees. Death is but seconds away. It shudders and sways and then keels over onto its back, writhing for one brief moment in the mud and debris of the chapel floor.
Turn to 112.
He screams and falls with the Arrow embedded so deeply into his chest that only its feathered flights can be seen. His comrades freeze in their tracks, their eyes wide with fear. As you move forward they scatter and run.
Turn to 77.
The ale is cool and refreshing. (Restore 1 ENDURANCE point.) As you drink, you see that the sleeping barman slouched on his stool is oblivious to your presence. You finish your ale and slam the tankard down, hoping to stir him with the sudden noise, but he does not react. However, you feel you should thank him for his hospitality before leaving the hut.
Turn to 93.
The night passes without sleep; the howling wind of the Varettian Plain is your only companion as you ride the long, straight, moonlit highway to Soren. When dawn finally breaks you find yourself on the outskirts of a small and undistinguished hamlet of half-timbered buildings — whose only unusual feature is a bronze statue of a roguish-looking young man that stands in front of the blacksmith's shop.
If you wish to examine the statue, turn to 220.
If you decide to ignore it and continue on your way to Soren, turn to 73.
The drawstring cuts into your fingers as you take aim at the creature's glowing eyes.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, add 3 to the number you have picked.
If your total is now 0–5, turn to 155.
If it is 6–8, turn to 236.
If it is 9–12, turn to 75.
A hundred yards along the passage you see a flight of stone steps ascending to a stone trapdoor set flush with the ceiling.
If you wish to investigate the trapdoor, turn to 107.
If you wish to continue along the sewer, turn to 120.
Above the church, a whirlpool of darkness is taking form, casting a tomb-like chill on everything beneath. Frost crystallizes on the grass and flowers, and a terrible sound fills the air as the earth begins to shake. Cracks appear in the ground beneath you and suddenly a score of fleshless hands burst through the frozen soil to grab your horse. Shrieking with terror, it rears up and you are thrown into the waiting arms of the waking dead.
Illustration XVI—You are thrown into the arms of the waking dead.
Undead Summonation: COMBAT SKILL 18 ENDURANCE 35
Due to the surprise of the attack, deduct 2 points from your COMBAT SKILL for the first two rounds of combat, unless you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery. The undead are immune to Psi-surge and Mindblast. Also, unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, you must deduct 2 ENDURANCE points for every round of combat you fight, due to the intense cold. If you wield the Sommerswerd in this combat, you may double all ENDURANCE point losses inflicted upon your enemy.
If you win the combat, turn to 326.
You have barely covered a hundred yards when you hear a frantic cry: ‘Horse thief, horse thief! Don't let him get away!’
You tighten your grip and urge the horse along the highway as it dips and bends, following the low hedgerow that borders the tournament field. The cry alerts some men from the archery competition, and they soon appear in a line at the edge of the field. As they see you approach, they draw their bows to fire.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control or Huntmastery, add 3 to the number you have picked.
If your total is now 5 or below, turn to 52.
If your total is now 6 or higher, turn to 81.
The air is sweet with the smell of wet grass. The sun rises above the trees to the east, and mist steams from the hills on either side of the highway. By noon you reach a small village, where brightly decorated cottages line a cobblestoned square. A shrine with an enormous onion-shaped dome stands in the middle of the square, and in its shadow sit a group of old women. They are tending to some shrubs with bright orange berries, which grow in the shade.
If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, turn to 250.
If you wish to stop and investigate the shrine, turn to 342.
If you wish to continue on your way to Varetta, turn to 100.
‘It's the tax y'gotta pay to enter Amory,’ he answers, irritated by your ignorance of local customs. ‘This is Lyris and Amory is in Salony,’ he explains, emphasizing every word as if you are deaf or dull-witted. ‘You … will … need … a … Cess … to … enter … Amory.’
If you wish to purchase a Cess, pay him 3 Gold Crowns and turn to 304.
If you wish to ignore him and continue your journey, turn to 146.
If you decide to teach him some manners, turn to 160.
You urge your horse forward with expert precision, taking the jump with deceptive ease. The angry cries of the guards are now mixed with some cheers from onlookers who are obviously delighted by your horsemanship and daring. The town watch in Quarlen have a reputation for being pompous and self-important; anyone who can make fools of them and get away with it is sure to find favour among the townsfolk. After a while the cheers and curses fade behind you, and you rein in your horse to take stock of your surroundings.
Turn to 332.
At the end of the street you stop to look in the window of a tall, half-timbered shop. It contains a fascinating selection of maps and charts, which detail the various cities and regions of Magnamund. You enter the shop and browse the shelves that line the walls. Three maps in particular attract your interest: a Map of Sommerlund (5 Gold Crowns); a Map of Tekaro (4 Gold Crowns); and a Map of Luyen (3 Gold Crowns).
The maps are Backpack Items. If you wish to buy one or all of them, make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart before returning to the apothecary.
Turn to 231.
You concentrate your Magnakai power on the warhammer, and slowly it rises from the chest of the corpse. You will it to move upwards and as it appears through the gaping hole, you catch hold of it and examine it closely. It is a very fine weapon, wrought of a metal called bronin, which looks exactly like new bronze, but does not tarnish like ordinary alloys of copper and tin. If you wish to keep this Bronin Warhammer, mark it on your Action Chart as a Weapon. When you use it in combat it will add 1 to your COMBAT SKILL.
Satisfied that nothing else of value has been overlooked, you leave the chapel and return to Cyrilus.
Turn to 338.
The man's reactions are lightning-fast. He hurls the silver tray at your head and escapes through a curtained arch at the back of the workshop.
If you wish to give chase, turn to 94.
If you decide to let him go and leave the taxidermy, turn to 279.
You turn your head to see a shambling, blunt-nosed horror emerge from the shadows. It emits a hideous, snickering cry and lashes out with one of its four razor-sharp claws, sending you tumbling backwards across the muddy flagstones. You quickly regain your feet, but the surprise attack has opened a gaping wound in your arm. (You lose 3 ENDURANCE points.) The creature's eyes glow with hatred as it shuffles hungrily towards you.
nbsp; If you have a Bow, turn to 198.
If you do not have a Bow, turn to 343.
You arrive at a tavern, but one that looks more like a huge banqueting hall than a city alehouse. The Inn of the Crossed Swords is the largest and noisiest tavern you have ever seen. A constant flow of soldiers pour in and out of its cathedral-like doors, and the adjoining stable is large enough to house the horses of an entire army.
Illustration XVII—You enter the tavern in time to witness a spectacular event.
You stable your horse and enter the tavern just in time to witness a spectacular event. The middle of the hall has been cleared to allow a horse and rider to gallop the full length of the building, and bets are being laid on the rider's skill at skewering fruit on the point of his lance. It reminds you of part of the training taught to Kai Lords in preparation for battle, but unlike the Kai horse trials, there is more than just skill and the honour of the rider at stake here. In a line along the length of the hall kneel ten soldiers from the same regiment as the rider — men accused of cowardice in battle. The fruits the rider must skewer are resting on their heads. If he makes the slightest mistake the men will lose their lives and, more importantly to the mercenaries, all the money the regiment has wagered on the skill of the rider.