The Kingdoms of Terror Read online
Page 16
(Levels of Magnakai Training) Replaced ‘rank and titles’ with ‘ranks and titles’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf Magnakai’ with ‘Lone Wolf Magnakai’.
(Improved Disciplines) Replaced ‘discipline’ with ‘Discipline’. Removed the quotation marks from ‘Improved Disciplines’ in the last paragraph. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Lone Wolf’ with ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series. Replaced ‘Magnakai rank’ with ‘Kai rank’ for consistency with the rest of the series.
(Magnakai Wisdom) Replaced ‘adventures and’ with ‘adventures, and’. Removed ‘ at the front of the book’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Lone Wolf’ with ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series.
(1) Replaced ‘death cry’ with ‘death-cry’. Moved the Pathsmanship choice into the first position. Replaced ‘Kai monastery’ with ‘Kai Monastery’. Replaced ‘Fryelund forest’ with ‘Fryelund Forest’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘chasm of doom’ with ‘Chasm of Doom’.
(3) Replaced ‘Durncrag mountains’ with ‘Durncrag Mountains’.
(5) Replaced ‘mist but’ with ‘mist, but’. Replaced ‘highway and’ with ‘highway, and’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘Salony and Salony’ with ‘Salony, and Salony’.
(6) Replaced ‘table, and’ with ‘table and’. Replaced ‘pulled and’ with ‘pulled, and’.
(8) Reworded the sentence ‘(Mark this as a Special Item … )’ to match the wording from section 16. The original wording is misleading. Replaced ‘you but’ with ‘you, but’. Replaced ‘points) and’ with ‘points), and’.
(10) Capitalized each occurrence of the item ‘Ticket’. Replaced ‘river boat’ with ‘riverboat’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(11) Replaced ‘siege works’ with ‘siege-works’. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.
(12) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(13) Replaced ‘body and, as’ with ‘body, and as’. Replaced ‘presence and’ with ‘presence, and’. Replaced ‘you and’ with ‘you, and’. Replaced ‘If you do not have a bow and wish to flee’ with ‘If you wish to flee’ and moved this option to the last position. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘spreadeagled’ with ‘spread-eagled’.
(14) Replaced ‘invocation and’ with ‘invocation, and’. Replaced ‘northlander’ with ‘Northlander’. Replaced ‘men but, as’ with ‘men, but as’.
(15) Replaced ‘manouevre’ with ‘manoeuvre’.
(18) Moved the Huntmastery choice into the first position. Replaced ‘neither warped, split nor unstrung’ with ‘not warped, split, or unstrung’.
(19) Replaced ‘provisions and, as’ with ‘provisions, and as’. Replaced ‘houses and fortified perimeter walls’ with ‘houses, and fortified perimeter walls’. Replaced ‘powders and forests of roots’ with ‘powders, and forests of roots’.
(20) Replaced ‘Cyrilus's’ with ‘Cyrilus'’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Added ‘(Remember to deduct an Arrow from your Action Chart.)’.
(21) Replaced ‘vanished: the’ with ‘vanished; the’.
(22) Replaced ‘pikeheads’ with ‘pike heads’. Moved the Divination choice into the first position.
(23) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(24) Replaced ‘puddles and’ with ‘puddles, and’. Replaced ‘large shiny’ with ‘large, shiny’. Replaced ‘rope you’ with ‘rope, you’. Moved the Nexus choice into the first position. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(25) Replaced both occurrences of ‘guildhouse’ with ‘guild-house’. Replaced ‘hand bells’ with ‘hand-bells’. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.
(26) Replaced ‘toa-wood’ with ‘toa wood’. Replaced ‘arrows’ with ‘Arrows’.
(27) Replaced ‘open and’ with ‘open, and’.
(28) Replaced ‘surrounded and’ with ‘surrounded, and’. Replaced ‘shortlived’ with ‘short-lived’. Replaced ‘resistance and’ with ‘resistance, and’.
(29) Replaced ‘shock but’ with ‘shock, but’.
(30) Replaced ‘four’ with ‘Four’. Replaced ‘each of which hold’ with ‘each of which holds’.
(31) Replaced ‘northlander’ with ‘Northlander’.
(35) Replaced ‘backpack’ with ‘Backpack’.
(36) Replaced ‘toll and’ with ‘toll, and’. Replaced ‘rump, and’ with ‘rump and’.
(38) Replaced ‘irrisistible’ with ‘irresistible’.
(39) Moved the Pathsmanship choice into the first position. Replaced ‘Varettian hills’ with ‘Varettian Hills’.
(40) Replaced ‘grave-robber’ with ‘grave robber’. Replaced ‘grave-robbers'’ with ‘grave robbers'’. Replaced ‘men have used’ with ‘men used’. Replaced ‘Wine and a Mirror’ with ‘Wine, and a Mirror’.
(41) Replaced ‘nature but’ with ‘nature, but’.
(43) Replaced ‘side and’ with ‘side, and’.
(44) Replaced ‘head first’ with ‘head-first’.
(45) Replaced ‘prowess with a bow for, in’ with ‘prowess with a Bow, for in’. Replaced ‘newly won’ with ‘newly-won’.
(46) Replaced ‘heart and’ with ‘heart, and’.
(47) Replaced ‘knuckleduster and’ with ‘knuckle-duster, and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘knuckleduster’ with ‘knuckle-duster’ in the illustration's caption.
(49) Replaced ‘spluttering wall torch’ with ‘sputtering wall torch’.
(51) Deleted a period in the middle of the second sentence.
(52) Replaced ‘neck and’ with ‘neck, and’.
(53) In the first choice, replaced ‘Unless you have already done so, if you wish to approach the merchant’ with ‘If you wish to approach the merchant’. It is actually impossible to have already approached the merchant at this point.
(56) Replaced ‘men and’ with ‘men, and’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘aim and’ with ‘aim, and’. Added ‘(in this instance, 0 = 10)’ in harmony with the Collector's Edition.
(58) Replaced ‘guildhouse’ with ‘guild-house’.
(60) Replaced ‘old but’ with ‘old, but’.
(62) Replaced ‘truth for’ with ‘truth, for’.
(63) Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.
(68) Replaced ‘forest of Eula’ with ‘Forest of Eula’.
(71) Replaced ‘man and’ with ‘man, and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.
(73) Moved the Curing choice into the first position.
(74) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(75) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(76) Replaced ‘Items’ with ‘items’. Altered list of items to initial capital letters. Replaced ‘or do’ with ‘or if you do’.
(77) Replaced ‘war horn’ with ‘war-horn’. Replaced ‘battle frenzy’ with ‘battle-frenzy’. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.
(78) Replaced ‘back-handed’ with ‘backhanded’.
(81) Replaced ‘animal and’ with ‘animal, and’.
(82) Replaced ‘merchants, but’ with ‘merchants but’. Replaced ‘horses; not’ with ‘horses: not’. Replaced ‘feed and’ with ‘feed, and’.
(84) Replaced ‘formula but’ with ‘formula, but’. Replaced ‘heavy and’ with ‘heavy, and’. Replaced ‘awake but’ with ‘awake, but’.
(85) Replaced ‘you have a bow’ with ‘you have a Bow’. Replaced ‘do not have a bow’ with ‘do not have a Bow’. Replaced ‘click’ with ‘click’. Replaced ‘chase, and turn to 39.’ with ‘chase. Turn to 39.’.
(86) Replaced ‘done and’ with ‘done, and’. Replaced ‘devotion and’ with ‘devotion, and’.
(87) Replaced ‘battle skill’ with ‘battle-skill’.
(88) Replaced ‘threat, and’ with ‘threat and’.
p; (89) Replaced ‘Cyrilus your’ with ‘Cyrilus, your’.
(90) Replaced ‘huge lumbering’ with ‘huge, lumbering’. Replaced ‘thick twisted’ with ‘thick, twisted’. Replaced ‘head and’ with ‘head, and’. Replaced ‘vault and’ with ‘vault, and’.
(93) Replaced ‘slumber but’ with ‘slumber, but’.
(94) Replaced ‘annex but’ with ‘annex, but’.
(95) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(96) Replaced ‘chainmail, strides’ with ‘chainmail strides’.
(99) Replaced ‘shock and’ with ‘shock, and’. Replaced ‘pikeheads’ with ‘pike heads’. Replaced ‘breath but’ with ‘breath, but’.
(100) Replaced ‘challenge and’ with ‘challenge, and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.
(102) Replaced ‘Soren and’ with ‘Soren, and’.
(104) Replaced ‘Cyrilus's’ with ‘Cyrilus'’.
(106) Replaced ‘cracked and’ with ‘cracked, and’.
(111) Replaced ‘now, or’ with ‘now or’.
(112) Replaced ‘dead and’ with ‘dead, and’.
(113) Replaced ‘lying and’ with ‘lying, and’. Replaced ‘Action Chart, before’ with ‘Action Chart before’.
(114) Replaced ‘heart and, as’ with ‘heart, and as’.
(115) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(116) Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.
(118) Replaced ‘sunset you’ with ‘sunset, you’. Replaced ‘forest of Eula’ with ‘Forest of Eula’.
(119) Replaced ‘Rhem and’ with ‘Rhem, and’. Replaced ‘found but’ with ‘found, but’.
(121) Replaced ‘toa-trees’ with ‘toa trees’. Replaced ‘ledge and a desert ganthi’ with ‘ledge, and a desert ganthi’. Replaced ‘itikar’ with ‘Itikar’.
(123) Replaced ‘fight they’ with ‘fight, they’.
(124) Replaced ‘Stornland's’ with ‘Stornlands'’. Replaced ‘Sloats’ with ‘sloats’. Replaced ‘companies and’ with ‘companies, and’. Replaced ‘warm and’ with ‘warm, and’. Replaced ‘highway, and’ with ‘highway and’. Replaced ‘river-boat’ with ‘riverboat’. Replaced ‘east and ragged refugees’ with ‘east, and ragged refugees’.
(125) Replaced ‘them, and’ with ‘them and’.
(126) Replaced ‘captain and’ with ‘captain, and’. Replaced ‘Tekaro bridge’ with ‘Tekaro Bridge’.
(127) Replaced ‘interior but’ with ‘interior, but’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf’ with ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption. Replaced ‘corridor and into’ with ‘corridor, and into’. Replaced ‘charts and astral maps’ with ‘charts, and astral maps’. Replaced ‘ and engrossed’ with ‘, engrossed’.
(128) Replaced ‘lair and’ with ‘lair, and’.
(129) Replaced ‘fatigue and’ with ‘fatigue, and’. Replaced ‘body and’ with ‘body, and’.
(131) Replaced ‘wheel but’ with ‘wheel, but’.
(132) Replaced ‘small flat-faced’ with ‘small, flat-faced’. Replaced ‘you and’ with ‘you, and’.
(133) Replaced ‘guilefully’ with ‘slyly’.
(134) Replaced ‘birdsong’ with ‘bird song’. Replaced ‘Cyrilus, ‘The’ with ‘Cyrilus. ‘The’. Replaced ‘semi-circle’ with ‘semicircle’. Replaced ‘month and’ with ‘month, and’.
(135) Replaced ‘pass she’ with ‘pass, she’. Replaced ‘boasting or simply dozing’ with ‘boasting, or simply dozing’.
(138) Replaced ‘Instictively’ with ‘Instinctively’. Replaced ‘free but’ with ‘free, but’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(139) Replaced ‘axe’ with ‘Axe’. Replaced ‘Dagger and’ with ‘Dagger, and’.
(141) Replaced ‘Action Chart), and’ with ‘Action Chart) and’. Replaced ‘you have a bow’ with ‘you have a Bow’. Replaced ‘do not have a bow’ with ‘do not have a Bow’. Replaced ‘dancers and the numerous sideshows’ with ‘dancers, and the numerous sideshows’.
(144) Replaced ‘much-needed’ with ‘much needed’. Replaced ‘equipment and collect’ with ‘equipment, and collect’.
(146) Replaced ‘behind and’ with ‘behind, and’. Replaced ‘north-west’ with ‘northwest’.
(147) Replaced ‘street and’ with ‘street, and’. Replaced ‘you and’ with ‘you, and’.
(148) Replaced ‘Items, or’ with ‘Items or’.
(149) Replaced ‘which stands’ with ‘which stand’.
(150) Replaced ‘head first’ with ‘head-first’.
(151) Moved the choice regarding having been to the temple of Maaken into the first position. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.
(153) Replaced ‘you have a bow’ with ‘you have a Bow’. Replaced ‘do not have a bow’ with ‘do not have a Bow’.
(155) Replaced ‘you and’ with ‘you, and’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(156) Replaced ‘resistance’ with ‘RESISTANCE’.
(158) Replaced ‘wall and’ with ‘wall, and’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘Items’ with ‘items’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Silver Key’ with ‘Small Silver Key’ to disambiguate it from the Silver Key found in The Caverns of Kalte Section 3. Added ‘(Special Item)’.
(159) Replaced ‘Varetian’ with ‘Varettian’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(160) Replaced ‘unprepared and’ with ‘unprepared, and’. Replaced ‘face, somersaulting’ with ‘face somersaulting’. Replaced ‘again you’ with ‘again, you’.
(161) Replaced ‘crowd and’ with ‘crowd, and’. Replaced ‘belt pouch’ with ‘Belt Pouch’.
(162) Replaced ‘deterred and’ with ‘deterred, and’.
(164) Replaced ‘time and’ with ‘time, and’. Replaced ‘Die northlander’ with ‘Die, Northlander’ in both the text and the illustration's caption. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(121) Replaced ‘guild of city criers’ with ‘Guild of City Criers’.
(166) Replaced ‘wagon but’ with ‘wagon, but’. Replaced ‘bruised but’ with ‘bruised, but’.
(167) Replaced ‘you and’ with ‘you, and’.
(168) Replaced ‘glasses and the crackle’ with ‘glasses, and the crackle’.
(169) Replaced ‘unlocked but’ with ‘unlocked, but’.
(170) Replaced ‘with a bow’ with ‘with Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘chest and’ with ‘chest, and’.
(171) Replaced ‘strength and’ with ‘strength, and’.
(172) Replaced ‘innkeeper, and’ with ‘innkeeper and’. Replaced ‘room I take’ with ‘room, I take’.
(173) Replaced ‘wounds but’ with ‘wounds, but’.
(175) Removed ‘ at the front of this book’.
(176) Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(178) Replaced ‘with a bow’ with ‘with Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(179) Replaced ‘long cold’ with ‘long, cold’.
(184) Replaced ‘pirate and’ with ‘pirate, and’.
(186) Replaced ‘vibrate and’ with ‘vibrate, and’.
(187) Replaced ‘pikehead’ with ‘pike head’.
(188) Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.
(191) Replaced ‘ride but’ with ‘ride, but’.
(193) Replaced ‘the Map of Varetta’ with ‘a Map of Varetta’, since it is possible to reach Section 193 without a specific map being offered to you.
(195) Replaced ‘peril and’ with ‘peril, and’. Replaced ‘end and’ with ‘end, and’.
(196) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.
(197) Replaced ‘points), and’ with ‘points) and’.
(199) Deleted a period after ‘He asks’ in the last sentence.
Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.
(200) Replaced ‘open and, as’ with ‘open, and as’. Replaced ‘chill stale’ with ‘chill, stale’. Replaced ‘key but’ with ‘key, but’. Replaced ‘Silver Key’ with ‘Small Silver Key’ (see errata entry for Section 158 for reasoning).
(201) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘If the combat’ with ‘If you win and the combat’ in harmony with the Collector's Edition.
(202) Replaced ‘much-needed’ with ‘much needed’. Replaced ‘equipment and then collect’ with ‘equipment, and then collect’. Replaced ‘shabby and bare’ with ‘shabby, and bare’.
(204) Replaced ‘company and’ with ‘company, and’.
(206) Replaced ‘copse, and’ with ‘copse and’.
(207) Replaced ‘newly cast’ with ‘newly-cast’.
(208) Replaced ‘face but, forewarned’ with ‘face, but forewarned’.
(209) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘discard your’ with ‘shoulder your’.
(210) Replaced ‘saddlebag and’ with ‘saddlebag, and’.
(211) Replaced ‘head and, likewise,’ with ‘head, and likewise,’. Replaced ‘company and, as’ with ‘company, and as’. Replaced ‘point and’ with ‘point, and’. Replaced ‘fighters and’ with ‘fighters, and’. Replaced ‘Helm’ with ‘Helin’. Replaced ‘loot and’ with ‘loot, and’.
(212) Replaced ‘northlander’ with ‘Northlander’.
(214) Replaced ‘Baknar or Kalkoth’ with ‘baknar or kalkoth’.
(216) Replaced ‘Brass street’ with ‘Brass Street’.
(217) Replaced ‘stones but’ with ‘stones, but’.
(219) Replaced ‘arena for’ with ‘arena, for’. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption. Replaced ‘makes ceremonious display’ with ‘makes a ceremonious display’. Replaced ‘seat and hurls’ with ‘seat, and hurls’.
(221) Replaced ‘spluttering torch’ with ‘sputtering torch’.
(223) Replaced ‘Action Chart, before’ with ‘Action Chart before’.
(224) Replaced ‘aid but’ with ‘aid, but’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.