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The Kingdoms of Terror Page 10

  The preacher's words are answered by loud chanting: ‘Keep the secret, keep the secret, keep the secret!’

  The sound of a key in the lock makes you start. The meeting has come to an end, and the congregation are preparing to leave. Quickly, you sprint away and take cover in a darkened doorway. The brown-robed men pour out of the temple and disperse, but a small group are heading towards your hiding place; if you stay where you are you will be seen for sure. Without a second thought, you push open the door and enter.

  Turn to 127.


  It is only a matter of minutes before the riders appear. They ride in single file with the unconscious wizard in tow behind the last man's horse.

  If you have a Bow and want to ambush them as they ride past your hiding place, turn to 20.

  If you wish to attack the last rider and try to recapture Cyrilus, turn to 203.

  If you wish to let them pass and then follow them, turn to 227.


  You are almost out of bowshot when an arrow gashes your calf (lose 2 ENDURANCE points) and thuds into the side of the pontoon. You bite your lip and stifle your urge to scream, for you are now within range of the city's archers. As soon as the pontoon grounds on the bank, you slip ashore and creep across the rocks towards the sewer outfall.

  Turn to 249.


  There is only enough time for you to fire one shot before the monster is upon you; you cannot afford to miss. To stop the creature dead in its tracks, you need to hit a vital organ, but in the gloom of this ruined chapel it is difficult to see your target clearly.

  If you wish to take aim at the creature's eyes, turn to 268.

  If you wish to take aim at its heart, turn to 243.

  If you wish to take aim at its legs, turn to 95.


  Having removed a bunch of flowers from the ear of a startled merchant and a clucking hen from the petticoat of the merchant's wife, the flamboyantly dressed conjurer calls for silence from his cheering audience before announcing his next trick. Two children shuffle onto the stage, their bodies and faces completely hidden by long black gowns that are tied at their foreheads. Only their hair, blond and black is visible.

  ‘I'm a boy,’ says the one with black hair.

  ‘I'm a girl,’ says the one with blond hair, the voice identical to the first.

  The conjurer steps forward and says that they are a boy and a girl but at least one of them is lying. He asks which is which and invites the audience to bet on the answer.

  If you wish to bet on this conundrum, turn to 245.

  If you do not wish to gamble and would rather approach the bar and enquire about a room for the night, turn to 253.


  The old stone door creaks slowly open, and as the dust settles, you find yourself staring into the crypt of Tekaro Cathedral. Stepping into the chill, stale air, your heart begins to pound in your chest; the Lorestone is here — you can feel it.

  Beams of ashen moonlight filter into the crypt, illuminating a line of sombre granite tombs that lie like sleeping giants under the earth. Clutching the Small Silver Key, you examine them one by one for the lock that guards the legendary Lorestone.

  You find the lock and insert the key, but you are suddenly distracted, on the brink of discovery, by the creature that is advancing through the sewer door.

  Turn to 334.


  The sergeant orders his men to stand back — he is confident that he can defeat you unaided and is eager to show off his fighting prowess. A smile of expectant triumph curls his scarred lips as he raises his spear and shield. You may fight this combat with any weapon except a Bow.

  Town Sergeant: COMBAT SKILL 18 ENDURANCE 27

  If you win and the combat lasts 3 rounds or less, turn to 15.

  If you win and the combat lasts longer than 3 rounds, turn to 87.


  The room is small, shabby, and bare except for the battered straw mattress and threadbare carpet covering the floor. You lock the door and settle down to sleep, using your Backpack as a pillow and your cloak as a blanket. In the middle of the night you are woken by a bright light. A shooting star of sun-like brilliance arcs over the city, shedding a rainbow of colour across your drab surroundings. You watch the star as it slowly disappears before settling down once more to your much needed rest. It seems as if you have only just closed your eyes when the loud and loathsome clang of the tavern bell fills your ears.

  ‘All awake, all awake! A new day dawns my fine brave lads!’ As the voice of the tavern-keeper echoes through the inn, you dress, gather your equipment, and then collect your horse from the stable.

  Your rest restores 1 ENDURANCE point. Make the necessary change to your Action Chart before setting off on your search for Brass Street.

  Turn to 300.


  With bated breath you wait for the enemy to pass. As the last man rides into view, you break cover and attack him with deadly efficiency. He tries to raise a shield to block your blow but cannot react in time to save his life. As he tumbles to the ground, you cut the reins from his saddle and take off along the highway with the unconscious wizard in tow.

  Turn to 188.


  Prince Ewevin holds a conference of war. An hour passes before the captain returns to the company, and his news is greeted with mixed feelings by his travel-weary men.

  ‘We ride into battle tonight,’ he says, his voice firm and unwavering. ‘We are to lead an attack across the Tekaro Bridge to break the city gate, which is greatly weakened at the moment. We must attack tonight if the enemy are to be prevented from making good their repairs.’

  Many of his men, battle-hardened veterans of countless wars, cannot hide their fear that the attack is suicidal. The gate is heavily defended by archers and cannot be taken without a great loss of life.

  ‘Each man will be paid a thousand crowns,’ says the captain, hoping to change their minds with the promise of gold, but few are impressed; what use is gold to them if they are killed in the assault? ‘Those who wish to fight can stay by my side,’ he bellows, his steel-blue eyes blazing with anger. ‘Those who will not fight can go.’

  If you wish to stay with the captain and assault the city gate, turn to 126.

  If you decide to leave, turn to 280.


  Your Huntmastery enables you to identify hidden weaknesses in both the Jakan and the Kalte bone bow. If you were to choose either of these weapons, your chances of success would be greatly reduced. Forewarned by your Magnakai skill, you make the best choice: the Durenese hunting bow.

  Turn to 60.


  You sense that potential danger lies within the copse and that the chanting is part of a sacrificial ceremony.

  If you wish to investigate the ceremony, turn to 13.

  If you wish to avoid it and continue along the highway to Soren, turn to 102.


  With bated breath, you manoeuvre the noose around the head of the warhammer. It takes over five minutes to secure the rope and retrieve the weapon.

  Close examination of your find reveals it to be a very fine weapon, wrought of a metal called bronin, which looks identical to newly-cast bronze but, unlike regular alloys of copper and tin, will not tarnish with use or age.

  If you wish to keep this Bronin Warhammer, mark it on your Action Chart as a Weapon. When you use it in combat it will add 1 point to your COMBAT SKILL total. Satisfied that nothing else of value has been overlooked, you leave the chapel and return to Cyrilus.

  Turn to 338.


  Your Magnakai Discipline reveals the man's hiding place — he is crouching behind a worktable to your right. Suddenly, he jumps up and hurls a glass flask at your face, but forewarned by your Magnakai skill, you are prepared for this ambush. You duck and the flask whistles overhead to smash against the far wall. A bubbling hiss fills the air as the contents of the flask corrode and dissolve the plaster. With a f
lurry of vile curses, the man unsheathes a rapier and attacks.

  Chanda the Taxidermist: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 24

  If you wish to evade combat at any time by running from the shop, mounting your horse and galloping away, turn to 279.

  If you win the combat, turn to 8.


  Trembling with fear, you draw the bowstring and fire. The Arrow glances off its armoured head and shatters against the crypt wall. There is no time for a second shot. You shoulder your Bow and prepare for close combat as the creature moves in to strike.

  Turn to 344.


  Less than a mile from the village, the road descends into a narrow valley where a castle, part of which has fallen into ruin, is set on a rock shelf beneath a mossy precipice. ‘Castle Taunor,’ says Cyrilus, shielding his eyes from the glare of the afternoon sun. ‘It's a place of pilgrimage for many people; the water from its spa has great healing properties.’ He leans forward, removes a small glass jar from his saddlebag, and offers it to you. ‘Taunor Water could be useful to a warrior such as you.’

  If you wish to take the glass jar and collect some Taunor Water, turn to 63.

  If you choose to decline Cyrilus' suggestion and continue your journey to Varetta, turn to 134.


  The captain is an imposing man, tall, muscular, with a strong-jawed face, unmarked by battle or disease. His blond hair is cropped close to his head, and likewise, his beard and moustache are trimmed close to his tanned skin. You are invited to join his company, and as you drink your ale, you listen to their proud talk of war, of victories, of loot, and wages — but never of defeat.

  The captain and his men have grown tired of the war in the north. Prince Janveal of Helin is close to ruin, having sold all he owns to pay for a war against Baron Maghao of Karkaste that he cannot hope to win. The prince's troops are demoralized and his mercenaries desert him at the first opportunity. You learn that the captain is recruiting men for a campaign in the south. The war between Salony and Slovia has reached boiling point, and there is much gold to be had in the service of the Salonese Prince Ewevin while he besieges the city of Tekaro.

  ‘You have the mien of a skilful warrior,’ says the captain, his steel-blue eyes cold and unblinking. ‘Why not join my company? I have need of fighters, and I pay with gold, not promises. We leave for Tekaro at dawn — will you ride with us?’

  Politely you refuse the captain's offer, saying that you have come to Varetta on other business.

  ‘What business is there for a warrior other than war?’ retorts the captain, to the raucous delight of his men. You finish your ale and bid the captain and his company goodnight.

  ‘If you change your mind, join us at Soren. We sail the river from there in two days' time.’

  If you have a Map of Varetta, turn to 17.

  If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 104.


  You keep your side of the bargain. (Remember to make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart.) In exchange, he hands over the reins of his horse. ‘Good luck, Northlander,’ he says, as you climb into the saddle. ‘I hope you find your companion. He is a lucky man to have a friend such as you.’

  You shout a farewell as you spur your new horse to the gallop.

  Turn to 39.


  You follow the man through a curtained archway to a high-vaulted chamber that reeks with the pungent smell of preservatives and dead bodies. Several carcasses of exotic animals hang from hooks in the ceiling, and dissected heads destined for trophy plaques are laid on the large workbenches.

  The man opens an ornate rosewood chest and produces a silver tray on which stands a ruby glass decanter and two crystal goblets. He fills the goblets with wine and offers one to you, saying that the wine will help you forget the unpleasant smell of the workshop.

  If you wish to accept his gracious offer, take the goblet and turn to 288.

  If you wish to decline his offer and leave the taxidermy, turn to 279.


  The Kalte hunting bow is constructed from many strips of bone, glued and bonded together with layers of sinew. It is an ideal weapon for hunting baknar or kalkoth in the icy wastes of Kalte, but as a target bow in the warm climate of the Stornlands it is a very poor choice. When you enter the tournament, you must reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 4 points for the duration of the contest.

  To begin the tournament, turn to 340.


  No sooner has the pirate dropped dead at your feet than three more of his snarling comrades press forward to avenge his death.

  River Pirates: COMBAT SKILL 19 ENDURANCE 28

  If you wish to evade combat after 2 rounds, turn to 286.

  If you win the combat, turn to 111.


  You concentrate all your powers of Curing, transmitting the warmth created by your Magnakai skill through your hands into the shattered body of the magician. His frail shoulders tremble as he forces himself to whisper once more: ‘Brass Street … Varetta … find Gwynian the sage … he will help … help your quest — ’

  Turn to 46.


  Swiftly you clamber across the broken stones, but your hopes of escape are soon dashed when you see the terrifying drop that awaits you on the other side of the castle wall. Reluctantly, you turn to face your pursuer. With only the yawning precipice behind, you have no choice but to stand and face the monster again. Within seconds it appears, snarling and growling horribly as it prepares to tear you limb from limb.

  If you wish to leap aside to avoid the Yawshath's attack, turn to 190.

  If you wish to stand your ground and strike it as it attacks, turn to 311.


  As wave after wave of horses thunder across the bridge, you are trampled into the ground.

  Your quest and your life end here.


  Suddenly, there is a mighty crash as the hall door is slammed shut. Into the tavern strides a black-browed young lordling, wearing a flamboyant costume of ebony and gold. He makes a ceremonious display of removing his velvet cloak and pompously demands food and wine, and it takes three serving girls and the innkeeper to see to his wishes. His manner is so insulting that you are not surprised to see the many scars that disfigure his young face. He must be continually provoking fights and duels.

  The lordling chooses to seat himself at a table already occupied by a small, thin, inoffensive old man. Within seconds there is a thunderous outburst of foul language. The lordling grabs the old man by the throat, lifts him one-handedly from his seat, and hurls him to the floor. ‘You snivelling toad, how dare you sit with me!’ he bellows.

  Illustration XIII—The lordling kicks back his chair and towers over the wretch.

  Bewildered and frightened, the little man fumbles an apology, but to no avail. The lordling kicks back his chair and towers over the wretch, his hand clasped around the hilt of his sword. The tavern crowd view the scene with relish, like spectators at a Vassagonian arena, for the lordling clearly intends to kill the old man.

  If you possess a Bow, turn to 301.

  If you do not possess a Bow, turn to 78.


  The weather-worn plaque bolted to the base of the statue says that this is a true likeness of Vynar Jupe who led a band of robbers that preyed on travellers, especially merchants. His many crimes, including murder, did not prevent him from becoming popular, for he was resourceful and daring, and never plundered the inhabitants of this hamlet, where he himself was born. His exploits, and those of a score of his gang, were ended by the executioner's axe after trial at Amory.

  There is a slit in the belly of the statue through which Gold Crowns can be dropped. The plaque goes on to say that anyone who pays homage to the statue of Vynar Jupe will be protected by his spirit from robbers and highwaymen.

  If you wish to make a donation, place some Gold Crowns into the statue of Vynar Jupe before leaving the hamlet. (Remember to erase however many
Gold Crowns you wish to place in the statue from your Action Chart.)

  Turn to 73.


  The soldier removes a sputtering torch from a bracket on the wall and returns to your side. Holding the torch high, he casts his eye over you and your horse and rubs his stubbly chin.

  ‘You come from Varetta or Soren? Long ride either way you must be tired. In you go, but in the future be sure to get a cess — some o' my brother-guards ain't so understanding.’

  You thank the guard and ride in through the town gate.

  Turn to 129.


  The monster dives straight for you from the top of the stairs. You hold your ground and land a well-timed and deadly accurate blow, which opens a gaping wound in the creature's neck, killing it instantly. However, the strength of your blow is not enough to turn its heavy body aside and you cannot avoid being crushed beneath the Yawshath as it hits the flagstones. You lose 12 ENDURANCE points.