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The Kingdoms of Terror Page 11

  If you are still alive, turn to 106.


  Unfortunately, you have lost your bet. The conjurer stated that at least one of the children was lying, and if one was lying the other could not have been telling the truth. The answer is that both children lied.

  Erase the Gold Crowns you staked on the conundrum from your Action Chart before approaching the bar and enquiring about a room for the night.

  Turn to 253.


  ‘Hell's teeth!’ cries the captain. ‘Have we run aground?’

  As the words leave his lips, a grapnel and rope drop from the sky and bite into the ship's rail. More follow and, through the mist, you can make out the shapes of longboats approaching.

  ‘River pirates!’ shouts the helmsman. ‘Prepare to repel boarders.’

  Further along the deck, one of the captain's men is felled by a thrown knife. His comrades rush to his aid, but by now the river pirates are pouring over the side and he is trampled underfoot.

  ‘Battle order!’ bellows the captain and immediately his men respond, linking shields and holding their ground. A swarm of grim-faced pirates are boarding close by. One of their number, a lean man with only one ear and a split nose, smiles at you with anticipation, his lips drawn back from his teeth and his eyes wide with excitement. He is obviously relishing the thought of ending your life.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 170.

  If you wish to prepare for combat by other means, turn to 92.

  If you wish to evade combat, turn to 286.


  You rein in your horse beneath the wide stone archway of the south gate. From an arrow slit in the wall echoes a harsh voice: ‘Rider, show your pass!’

  There is the dull clunk of a bolt being drawn and two swarthy guards dressed in chainmail appear. They eye you suspiciously and repeat the demand to see a pass.

  If you wish to tell them that you do not have a pass, turn to 55.

  If you want to try to ride past them and through the open town gate, turn to 261.

  If you want to attempt to bribe them to let you pass, turn to 9.


  You push against the great doors but they will not open — they are locked.

  If you wish to knock on the temple doors, turn to 242.

  If you decide to ignore the temple and enter the observatory, turn to 127.

  If you would rather follow a corridor that runs alongside the temple, turn to 327.


  They have covered only a few hundred yards when the last rider turns to check on Cyrilus who is beginning to slip from his saddle. You pull off the highway to try to hide, but you are seen entering the trees and a shout rings out: ‘He's there!’ The rumble of hooves warns you that the riders are returning.

  If you have a Bow and wish to open fire as they rush past, turn to 20.

  If you would rather prepare to fight by other means, turn to 203.


  The red wine looks and smells delicious. The man must hold you in high esteem, for wine as good as this is rare and expensive.

  If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, turn to 136.

  If you do not have this skill, drink the wine and turn to 84.


  The Ogrons are poor archers, and in the gathering gloom they fail to drop an arrow within ten feet of you. You paddle across to the far side and as soon as the pontoon grounds on the bank, you slip ashore and creep across the rocks to the sewer outfall.

  Turn to 249.


  ‘A toast to our gallant friend,’ cries the soldier with the pock-marked face. ‘Honour in battle!’ shouts the red-haired man to his left. ‘And a rich purse for the victor,’ retorts the other. They laugh heartily and raise the flagons to their lips. Their smiling faces are completely hidden by the jugs as they drink their fill. A full minute of silence passes before the three jugs are slammed to the table, emptied of ale.

  The strong beer soon dissolves any guardedness, and they become very talkative about themselves. You take this opportunity to ask them what they know of the Lorestone of Varetta.

  ‘Legend,’ belches the red-head, ‘myth or legend.’ ‘Not so,’ interrupts Pock-face. ‘It's real enough, but it was lost years ago. The Lorestone is magical — it holds a power that can turn an ordinary man into a king.’

  On hearing this, the other soldiers snigger, but Pock-face ignores them and continues. ‘The Lorestone was once set into the throne of Lyris, at the Tower of the King in Varetta. Hundreds of years ago, during the War of the Lorestone, it was stolen by a Salonese prince called Kaskor. He set the stone upon a gold sceptre and used it in battle to inspire his followers. He believed that it made him invulnerable, but it was not so. He was killed in a battle on board his royal barge at Rhem, and the Lorestone was lost when it fell from his hand into the depths of the River Storn. However, that is not the end of the story. There are many tales about the sceptre having been found, but on the whole they have turned out to be fake or merely fanciful. The legend says whoever wields the Lorestone is the rightful ruler of all the Stornlands. For this reason above all others, the Lorestone is sought by many evil or unscrupulous men to further their dreams of power. If you wish to know more, you should go to Varetta. There are many learned men who have devoted their lives to the study of the Lorestone — the scholars and sages of Brass Street — they are the people to help you!’

  You thank the soldier for his help and take your leave of the company.

  If you now wish to order some food, turn to 172.

  If you decide to go to the bar and enquire about a room for the night, turn to 232.


  You help the captain to carry his purchases, which fill two large wooden boxes. As you stagger from the apothecary, he tells you he is anxious to return to the boat without delay. His men are good soldiers but poor sailors — he fears that without his watchful eye and stern command they will forget their work and drink themselves into a stupor. His fears are unfounded, for upon your return to the quay the Kazonara is fitted out and ready to sail.

  ‘Cast off,’ booms the captain, enjoying the novelty of his new riverboat command. ‘We'll make Rhem by nightfall.’ The captain is as good as his word. As dusk settles over the Storn, you sail into the horseshoe harbour at Rhem.

  Turn to 124.


  The innkeeper is a fat, oily individual with small, piggish eyes and a crooked smile. A grimy cloth hangs by a cord from his wrist, which he uses to wipe the bar. He seems unconcerned that the filthy rag does little but smear grease further across the counter.

  ‘You are in luck, my friend,’ he says, rummaging through the pockets of his striped apron. ‘We have one room left — room 17.’ He produces a plain iron key and sets it down upon the bar. ‘Three Gold Crowns — in advance.’

  Illustration XIV—‘You're in luck, my friend, we have one room left.’

  You pay the innkeeper (remember to erase the Gold Crowns from your Action Chart) and slip the key into your pocket. You are contemplating an early night when your rumbling stomach reminds you that you need to eat.

  If you wish to take a seat and order some food, turn to 328.

  If you decide to eat a Meal (from your Backpack) in the privacy of your room, you can head towards the stairs by turning to 219.6

  [6] You should deduct the Meal from your Backpack immediately if you decide to head to your room. The ensuing sections will make it clear why this is so.


  Instantly, you recognize the old man who stands before you now, calm and smiling. It is the same old man whom you encountered in a hut on the road to Ruanon some years ago; the same man who handed you a scroll that foretold the dangers of the Chasm of Doom.

  ‘Welcome, Lone Wolf,’ he says. ‘Once again the stars have dictated that our paths would cross.’

  Turn to 6.


  From within the closed helmet of black steel, a voice calls out
— ‘Die, Northlander!’ The crossbow is hurled aside, and the warrior charges out of the Denka Gate, an axe held high in his hand. You cannot avoid him and must fight him to the death. Due to the speed of his attack you cannot use a Bow.

  Armoured Assassin: COMBAT SKILL 24 ENDURANCE 26

  If you win the combat, turn to 28.


  In the dim light of the sewer you can just discern the outlines of the curtain wall and the streets of Tekaro on your map. The cathedral is right in the centre of the city, approximately half a mile from the point where the two rivers meet, and lying due east of the point at which you entered the sewer. You fold the map and set off again towards your objective.

  Turn to 269.


  The Arrow whistles through the gloom and gouges a channel of skin and fur from the creature's skull. It shrieks in pain and paws at the wound. Although it is injured it is far from dead, and sharp claws extend from a bloodstained paw. They lash at your head and you duck only just in time to save yourself from decapitation. Hurriedly, you prepare for hand-to-hand combat before the monster strikes again.

  Turn to 343.


  A crowd have gathered to watch the fight. As you strike the fatal blow, a cheer goes up and they surge forward like vultures, eager to pick the corpse clean. You and your horse are shouldered aside by the greedy mob as they strip the dead man of all his belongings.

  Repulsed by their behaviour you quickly turn and ride away from the degrading spectacle.

  Turn to 279.


  About a hundred yards from the east gate, through which you entered the city, you notice a brass plaque, fixed with polished brass spikes to the top of an arched doorway. The sign reads:


  If you wish to dismount and enter the doorway, turn to 25.

  If you do not wish to enter, you can continue to the east gate, where two streets lead away from the gatehouse.

  If you wish to take the north street, turn to 79.

  If you wish to take the south street, turn to 147.


  As you wait, Cyrilus becomes agitated. You sense that he is scared to be left on his own after his encounter with Roark. ‘Are you bound for Varetta?’ he asks. ‘Perhaps we could share the journey? I am bound for the capital in the morning. I know the road very well and I know its dangers — it would not be wise to travel alone on such a road.’

  You pause to consider the prospect of sharing your journey with this old man. On the one hand his company would make the miles seem shorter, but on the other hand, he could prove to be a burden and slow you down. You are about to decline when he says something that convinces you to share the journey.

  Turn to 319.


  As you walk towards his table, three muscular bodyguards suddenly appear and block your path. The merchant looks up from beneath the rim of his floppy velvet hat and says in a thin voice: ‘What business do you have with me, stranger?’

  If you wish to ask the merchant the way to Brass Street, turn to 47.

  If you say you wish to do some business with him, turn to 189.

  If you decide to apologize for intruding on his privacy and approach the tavern-keeper, turn to 312.


  Near the crest of the hill there is a small hut built close to the track. Outside, on the porch, sits an old woman who is peeling fruit with a wooden knife. She smiles a gap-toothed smile and bids you welcome as you bring your horse to a halt.

  If you wish to ask her if she has seen any riders pass her home, turn to 110.

  If you decide to ignore her and continue up the track, turn to 3.


  A deadly silence descends on the congregation as your knocking echoes around the temple. A key rattles in the lock; slowly the doors open. A hundred pairs of eyes stare at you suspiciously as you enter the sanctum and a priest in golden robes strides towards you along the wide central aisle. His face is red with anger and he demands to know the reason for your intrusion. When you reply that you have come in search of the Lorestone, a loud gasp of horror rises from the crowd.

  Suddenly, the doors crash shut. As one, the congregation stand and unsheathe long curved daggers from beneath their dark brown robes. Murder and hatred glint in their eyes as they close in and hack you to pieces.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  The rancid stench of the creature's breath fills your nostrils as you release the bowstring.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total is now 0–3, turn to 155.

  If it is 4–8, turn to 292.

  If it is 9–12, turn to 264.


  Your horse is killed instantly in the rain of arrows. As it crashes to the ground you are hurled forwards, somersaulting through the air before landing in a heap on the bloodstained soil. The archers have brought down the first two ranks of horsemen, but the attack is still pressing forward over the dead and dying in a reckless stampede towards the gate. You are now lying in the path of this stampede.

  If you wish to leap over the parapet of the bridge to avoid the onrushing horses, turn to 38.

  If you wish to curl up into a ball and keep completely still, turn to 218.

  If you wish to run towards the Tekaro Gate, turn to 329.


  First, decide how many Gold Crowns you wish to wager and note this down in the margin of your Action Chart. You consider the problem and decide that there can only be four possible combinations, and you repeat the conundrum under your breath before making your decision: ‘ “I'm a boy,” said the one with black hair. “I'm a girl,” said the one with blond hair.’

  If you decide that they both spoke the truth, turn to 50.

  If you decide that the first child spoke the truth and the second child lied, turn to 113.

  If you decide that the first child lied and the second child spoke the truth, turn to 223.

  If you decide that both children lied, turn to 62.


  The shambling monster passes within inches of your hiding place, but miraculously it does not detect you. Gradually, the sound of its hideous laugh fades into the darkness, and you emerge from the alcove and hurry back up the stairs to the surface.

  In the chapel you find your glass jar still intact and waste no time filling it with Taunor Water (the healing spa water will restore 6 ENDURANCE points). You may drink the Water now or place the glass jar in your Backpack for future use. (Remember to mark it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.)

  You decide to return to Cyrilus without delay, for the Yawshath is still at large and could attack again at any time.

  Turn to 338.


  The highway descends into a wide valley that bears the scars of war — derelict cottages, their walls broken and charred, dot the landscape. You cross a stagnant stream by a rickety wooden bridge and climb towards a copse of trees at the brow of a hillock. As you draw closer to the copse you hear a low hypnotic chant coming from somewhere inside the ring of trees.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 206.

  If you wish to dismount and investigate the sound, turn to 13.

  If you wish to ignore it and continue along the highway to Soren, turn to 102.


  The guards leap from the wagons and surround you with a ring of spears. Their sergeant steps forward and growls, ‘Throw down your weapons, stranger, or we'll feed you to the crows!’

  To reinforce this threat, he stabs at your leg with his spear and its sharp tip nicks your thigh.

  If you wish to retaliate and attack the sergeant, turn to 201.

  If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility, turn to 322.


  There is a gaping hole in the criss-crossed bars, large enough for you to pass
through with ease. The fetid water that is combed by this grille contains all manner of filth, a veritable feast for rats and vermin. However, as you wade deeper into the tunnel, you gradually realize that the sewer is completely free of rats and, in fact, seems to be totally devoid of all life. Circular chutes appear at regular intervals in the tiled ceiling, but they are far too small and slippery to climb. Fifteen minutes after entering the sewer, you arrive at a major junction where two new channels flow into the main course.

  If you wish to continue ahead, turn to 269.

  If you wish to follow the left channel, turn to 318.

  If you wish to follow the right channel, turn to 339.

  If you have a Map of Tekaro, turn to 235.


  You recognize the orange berries of the alether plant. They are much sought after by warriors and soldiers, for they increase both strength and skill during combat.

  If you wish to purchase some Alether Berries, turn to 123.

  If you do not, or if you cannot afford to buy any, and decide to remount your horse and leave the village, turn to 100.