The Fall of Blood Mountain Read online

Page 10

  Shom'zaa Agarashi Lancer: COMBAT SKILL 44 ENDURANCE 30

  You may evade this combat after three rounds by turning to 205.

  If you win the fight, turn to 345.


  Bravely you battle with this treacherous reef and survive the ordeal without injury. Kicking with both feet, you recoil from the deadly rocks, and then the cold water currents of the deeper channel swirl you around and wash you up onto a shingle bank.

  To continue, turn to 290.


  With care you touch the iron plaque, making sure that your fingers do not come in contact with any residues of corrosive, and gradually two lines of runic symbols take shape in your mind's eye. The use of your improved Discipline reveals the warning that once was engraved upon this block of iron:



  If you choose to ignore this warning and attempt to enter the passage, turn to 204.

  If you choose to heed the warning, you can continue along the main tunnel by turning to 220.


  You push open the rusty iron door and enter a storage room which contains mining tools and heavy excavation equipment. This store has recently been ransacked by Shom'zaa's minions and little has survived intact. Amidst the heaped and broken wreckage you find only two unbroken items: a Shovel and a Pick.

  When you turn to leave the store room, you notice a tattered leather jerkin hanging on a hook behind the door. In a pocket you discover a Bronze Disc that is stamped with the Drodarin numerals ‘3–2–1’. You sense that the disc could be useful and so you slip it into your pocket before leaving the store room. (Record this Bronze Disc as a Special Item. You need not discard any other item in its favour if you already possess the maximum number of items permissible.)

  If you now wish to explore the north tunnel, turn to 67.

  If you decide instead to explore the east tunnel, turn to 265.


  Your senses warn you that the creature responsible for spinning these cocoons is clinging to the ceiling directly above your head … and it is getting ready to drop!

  If you wish to slash at the ceiling with your Kai Weapon, turn to 301.

  If you wish to attempt to avoid the creature's ambush, turn to 261.


  You clear the slab, and as you race towards the treasure vault, the passageway is filled with the terrible roar of a fireball. The instant you pass through the vault's archway, you dodge to one side and cover your head with your hands. This timely action saves you from being scorched by the searing heat of the missile as it whooshes past and explodes among the treasures stored in this chamber.

  As the fire dies out, you hear another sound — the dull clunk! of a trap being activated. You glance back into the passageway and see that your pursuer has stepped on a weighted floor slab, triggering a volley of deadly arrows. Unable to turn in the narrow confines of the passage, it is skewered by more than a dozen of these bone-tipped shafts. With a hellish shriek, the creature's corpulent body erupts into a great ball of flame that burns with such fierce intensity that the beast is quickly reduced to a heap of white-hot ash.

  To continue, turn to 330.


  The creature discharges an icy blast to counter your bolt, but it does not act quickly enough to prevent your magic missile from striking the target, with devastating effect. It splits open a keg of powder and, in the next instant, there is a tremendous explosion as the platform is consumed by a searing ball of yellow and scarlet flame.

  Turn to 130.


  The icy bolt smashes into your shield-spell and explodes in a great cloud of steam. As the vapour clears, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon in readiness to meet the first wave of the attacking Shom'zaa horde.

  The horde hit the barricade and the War-thanes fight them with ruthless efficiency, felling ten of the enemy for every Drodarin who falls. But the enemy are gripped by a battle-frenzy that drives them like demons, and you are hard-pressed to keep them from breaking through the barricade.

  Shom'zaa Horde (in battle-frenzy): COMBAT SKILL 47 ENDURANCE 45

  This enemy is immune to Mindblast (but not Kai-surge).

  If you win this combat, turn to 100.


  Your search uncovers the following items and Weapons:





  Enough food for 2 Meals

  Bottle of Bor Brew

  Copper Key

  3 Arrows



  If you choose to keep any of the above items, make the appropriate adjustments to your Action Chart.

  To continue, turn to 160.


  Hurriedly you reach to your Backpack and retrieve your instrument. At first the Shom'zaa lancers view your actions with some amusement, but when you begin to play, they realize too late that the music you can make is deadly.

  The frequency of the sonic attack that you launch is far beyond the range of normal hearing, yet it cuts into the lancers' minds like a hot knife through butter. They drop their spears and begin writhing in their saddles, clawing at their skulls in a vain attempt to put an end to the agony. Then, one by one, they topple to the ground and lie there motionless.

  Their Brozal steeds are also affected by your sonic attack, but to a lesser degree. They feel no pain yet they are temporarily paralysed by the sound.

  If you possess Animal Mastery, turn to 169.

  If you do not, turn to 4.


  You take aim at the guards and fire your Bow twice in quick succession (erase 2 Arrows from your Action Chart). Your first shot strikes in the head and kills its target instantly, but your second shaft fails to penetrate the minion's body armour. This creature is knocked down by the force of the Arrow, yet it is able to emit a shrill cry of alarm that alerts the other Shom'zaa minions to your presence in the smelting cavern.

  The dwarves seize their chance to escape from the cage. Before the creature can get to its feet, a hand reaches through the bars and the bolt is pulled. Then the door bursts open and out they pour with a blood-curdling yell. The surviving guard is trampled underfoot as the dwarves rush to the ore wagons and arm themselves with rocks and tools. The torturers abandon their grisly work and come running towards the prison cage with their weapons raised. Suddenly two of these minions appear beside your wagon. Hurriedly you shoulder your Bow and reach for your Kai Weapon as they turn on you and launch a frenzied attack.

  Illustration IX—The dwarves escape from their cage.

  Shom'zaa minions: COMBAT SKILL 33 ENDURANCE 38

  You are unable to inflict any ENDURANCE loss on this enemy for the first two rounds of combat, due to the surprise and ferocity of their attack.

  If you win the combat, turn to 9.


  Your mastery of Nexus enables you to detect that this chamber is filled with Zaxx — an invisible, scentless, highly poisonous gas. It forms in pockets within the granite mountains of Bor and Boden, and for centuries it has been the bane of all Drodarin miners. Your Discipline is slowing its insidious effects, but you are not immune to its toxins. Forewarned, you leave the chamber and return quickly to the main tunnel.

  To continue along the main tunnel, turn to 220.


  You shape your mouth to utter the Old Kingdom power-word and get ready to direct its energy at this formidable creature: Gloar!

  The force of your spell-word hits and stuns the beast, but it inflicts no lasting damage. Angered by your attempt to injure it, the creature quickens its pace and comes lumbering towards you with both its arms raised. Fearful that it will crush your skull between its white-hot fists if you allow it to get too close, you turn back to the secret panel and take a first step towards the passageway that lies beyond.

  Turn to 159.


  The Shom'zaa minions fire their crossbows at your hiding place, and th
ree of their bolts punch clean through the empty barrel with devastating effect. A blinding white light obliterates your senses when you are struck in the head and side by these deadly iron bolts. Death is mercifully swift.

  Tragically, your life and your quest end here, outside the Throne Chamber of Andarin.


  Your speedy action has countered the immediate threat, but the enemy are determined to destroy the fabled throne and the missing priming powder is quickly replaced. An icy clarity fills your mind, and suddenly you realize that you alone must seize the initiative if you are to save the throne from destruction.

  Turn to 328.


  The icy bolt smashes through your hastily constructed shield-spell and strikes your left arm, spinning you to the ground: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 314.


  The Jug of Vinegar strikes the giant spider's bony fangs and shatters, drenching its maw and belly. Then the creature emits a hideous shriek as the wine vinegar eats into its body like a powerful, corrosive acid. It rears up on its hairy legs and topples backwards to fall limply into the river. For a few moments its loathsome carcass is buoyed along on the current; then slowly it sinks beneath the foaming waters and disappears from view.

  Turn to 285.


  You enter the cavern and make your way along a line of parked ore wagons, using them as cover as you stealthily approach the stone channel. The pitiful sounds of torture can be heard above the noise of the furnace, and the victim's cries make your blood boil with anger. Your instinct is to attack his cruel tormentors and save him from the flames, but to do so would endanger the success of your vital mission, and so, reluctantly, you press on.

  You reach the stone channel at the point where it crosses the wagon track, and you hide behind one of its supporting pillars. From here you can see that the exit from the cavern is open and unguarded. However, if you are to reach the mouth of this tunnel and escape from the cavern, you must first cross 20 yards of open ground in full view of a dozen Shom'zaa minions.

  If you possess Assimilance and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, turn to 115.

  If you possess Assimilance but have yet to attain this level of Kai rank, turn to 309.

  If you do not possess Assimilance, turn to 347.


  Your Kai senses tell you that Shom'zaa's cry was not a sonic attack launched intentionally against you and Prince Leomin: it was a summoning call to his protectors. You encountered one of his protectors when first you entered his hive, and the memory of the beetle-creature is still painfully fresh in your mind. But Shom'zaa has one other bodyguard, and a sudden noise from the wall of the chamber behind you draws your attention to its daunting presence.

  You spin around to see the slime-smeared rock-face rippling and undulating, as if a wave is passing through it. Then, in stunned disbelief, you watch the rocks move and take form. From out of the wall steps a creature formed wholly of stone. It has taken the shape of a large human, with fists that resemble two great hammers. It pounds the ground as it comes lumbering towards you, pulverising the surface. Bravely, Prince Leomin raises his axe, and with his battle-cry upon his lips, he lands a flurry of heavy blows upon the creature's chest and neck. The rock beast retaliates with a backhanded swipe. It connects with Leomin's head and leaves him sprawled upon the floor, unconscious and bleeding. Hurriedly you slip the Sun-crystal back into your pocket as the lumbering beast advances upon you.

  If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 211.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 310.

  If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 195.

  If you do not possess a Bow, nor either of these skills, or if you choose not to use any of them, turn to 50.


  You use your improved Discipline to summon a fog to rise up from the cleared ground between you and the charging lancers. As the dense vapours begin to obscure you from their sight, you turn and run back towards the tall crops in an attempt to evade their attack.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. As you possess Assimilance, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 3 or lower, turn to 47.

  If it is 4 or higher, turn to 162.


  You hit the ground and the icy bolt speeds over your head to splatter harmlessly against the tunnel wall. You tug your Kai Weapon from its scabbard. Then you leap to your feet in time to see the creature and its slavering horde come rushing along the tunnel towards you. With your battle-cry on your lips, you stride forward to meet their determined attack.

  Illustration X—The creature and its slavering horde come rushing towards you.

  Shom'zaa Agarashi & Commander: COMBAT SKILL 50 ENDURANCE 55

  You cannot evade this combat — you must fight these creatures to the death.

  If you win the fight, turn to 324.


  Your Grand Master Discipline reveals to you that the skeletal creature possesses strong psychic and some magical abilities. Armed with this knowledge, you call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen to shield your mind from psychic detection.

  Turn to 71.


  You wedge the blade of your Kai Weapon into the crack of the portal and attempt to lever it open.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table If the number you have picked is odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9) deduct 1 ENDURANCE point from your current total. If the number you have picked is even (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0) deduct 2 ENDURANCE points.

  For more than an hour you struggle in vain to open the door until, reluctantly, you have to admit defeat.

  This portal cannot be opened without its crystal runestone key. You do not possess the key, and so you are forced to return to the basket and make your way back to the cavern at the entrance to Shom'zaa's hive.

  Turn to 319.


  You take hold of the stonework that frames the secret panel and pull yourself towards the narrow passageway. You are only halfway through the opening when two orbs of living flame leap from the creature's glowing fists and come arcing towards your spine.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Assimilance, add 1.

  If your total score is now 0–3, turn to 44.

  If it is 4–6, turn to 262.

  If it is 7 or higher, turn to 30.


  You follow the tunnel to a cavern where seven other passages converge. A granite obelisk, carved with a single rune, stands in the middle of this circular chamber. You recognize the rune: it is the Drodarin symbol for ‘hub’, the centre part of a wheel. The dwarves of Bor have named this cavern ‘The Hub’, because the tunnels that meet here resemble the spokes of a gigantic wheel.

  You take the Andarin Bloodstone from around your neck. Then you observe its glowing colours as you walk around the perimeter of the cavern, pointing it at each tunnel entrance in turn. When you come before the north tunnel, the colours glow brighter. You are sure you have found the way that will lead you to Prince Leomin and Prince Torfan when you discover a stone plaque fixed to the wall. Its runic symbols tell you that this broad passage leads to the Throne Chamber of Andarin.

  To continue, turn to 250.


  Suddenly an arrow punches through the wooden side of the chariot and passes within inches of your head. This near miss makes you roll away and scramble for the safety of harder cover. You take refuge behind a cluster of boulders where you listen to the harsh gurgling sound of your attackers' voices as they call to each other excitedly. Peering through a gap in the rocks, you see your ambushers emerge from their hiding places and begin to close in. They are minions of Shom'zaa, and your first sight of them sends a cold shiver coursing down your spine.

  At a distance these man-sized creatures appear lithe and reptil
ian. All have lidless black eyes and scaly green hides that glisten as they move. But as they draw closer you see that each one is grotesquely different. Some have whip-like tentacles, some have spindly limbs and bulbous skulls, and some have rubbery necks and crooked spines that are studded with talons. They are all armed with captured Drodarin weapons and led by a tall creature with a lizard-like face. It gurgles to its fearsome followers, commanding them to attack your position and finish you off.

  If you possess a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 102.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 339.

  If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 233.

  If you possess neither a Bow nor any of these skills, or if you choose not to use them, turn instead to 29.


  The lancers are shocked and confused by the mist that has suddenly appeared, and they lose all sense of direction when they pass through this dense white cloud. They emerge from it to crash headlong into the wheat at the northern edge of the clearing. Minutes later, you hear their terrified screams as they gallop into the blazing wall of fire.