The Fall of Blood Mountain Read online
Page 9
Leomin points to the end of the wide corridor, to a place where a circular shaft descends to a lower level. A large basket, suspended by a rope and pulley, hangs above this shaft. The prince beckons you to follow as he tiptoes around the sleeping creatures and approaches the basket. You are halfway along the corridor when suddenly one of the Shom'zaa Agarashi awakens and shrieks in alarm. You respond by racing towards the distant shaft, but within a matter of seconds, all of the sleeping creatures are on their feet and rushing from all sides to block your escape. You must fight them.
Illustration VII—Creatures attack you on all sides as you try to make your escape.
Shom'zaa Agarashi: COMBAT SKILL 42 ENDURANCE 44
You may add 5 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this combat, for Prince Leomin is fighting by your side.
If you win the combat, turn to 258.
There is a loud Crack! as the seal of grime is finally broken, and then a flood of golden light washes over you when the lid of the tomb tips over and crashes onto the floor.
With a growing sense of awe, you reach into the tomb and lift the golden warhammer from beside King Andarin's cinerary urn. You admire its finely-crafted lines and perfect balance, and you sense that this weapon was forged by ancient magical fires.
If you wish to keep the Andarin Warhammer, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. In combat against any enemy it will give you a bonus of +5 to your COMBAT SKILL. If you wish, you may use this magical warhammer as an alternative to your Kai Weapon.
To continue, turn to 230.
The lantern begins to rock from side to side, but the squeak of its rusty chain captures the creature's attention. It looks to the lantern, and then it looks to your hiding place among the barrels and instantly it detects you. The creature emits a loud, hellish shriek, and you feel a fiery pain welling up inside your skull as a powerful stream of destructive psychic energy batters your mind. Rapidly the pressure builds in your head until your skull feels fit to burst. Your vision is clouded by a scarlet haze, and you are unable to stifle a cry of pain as you collapse to your knees: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
Desperately you struggle to erect a defensive wall around the core of your mind, using your power of Psi-screen. Slowly, as your mental defences lock together, the pain eases and your vision clears. Through the receding red mist you see a group of Shom'zaa Agarashi closing in on you with their swords drawn. You force yourself to stand, and you unsheathe your Kai Weapon just in time to meet their determined attack.
Shom'zaa Agarashi: COMBAT SKILL 40 ENDURANCE 30
If you win this combat in three rounds or less, turn to 65.
If you win the combat in four rounds or longer, turn to 189.
As you strike your killing blow, the giant steamspider rears up on its hairy legs and topples backwards into the river. For a few moments its loathsome carcass is buoyed along on the current; then slowly it sinks beneath the foaming waters and disappears from view.
You keep your Weapon to hand as cautiously you explore the cavern. You are wary that there may be other creatures lurking in the depths of its craggy hollows, waiting to attack. However, you soon discover that the cavern had only one occupant and it is now empty.
The only exit is the natural tunnel in the west wall through which the underground river flows away. Carefully you test the water and discover that it is hot, although not unbearably so. You resolve to try to escape from the cavern by way of this river, and before you lower yourself into its steamy water, you make sure that all of your Weapons and equipment are secure. Upon entering the river you are carried away by the swift current and swept beneath the tunnel's low arch.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 103.
If it is 5–9, turn to 11.
The Shom'zaa lancers shriek with pain as your sonic assault racks their vulnerable minds. However, before they succumb to its power, the inaudible pitch of your voice-attack causes an unexpected reaction. It destroys all sense of caution and, in a sudden blaze of fury, they urge their mounts forward and attack you.
Shom'zaa Agarashi Lancers (in battle-frenzy): COMBAT SKILL 48 ENDURANCE 40
This enemy is now immune to all forms of psychic attack.
If you win the combat, turn to 55.
As you battle to keep a grip on Prince Leomin, you are hit by chunks of rock and other loose debris: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
Gradually the whirling vortex of the implosion grows smaller and smaller as its power collapses and fades. Then, with a loud Crack! it is gone completely. The gloom is lifted and a serene calmness envelops the chamber. You sense that Shom'zaa's link to the Plane of Darkness has been severed, and all trace of the Evil that was imprisoned here for so long has now been swept away.
To continue, turn to 294.
You call upon your improved Discipline to summon a fog that will obscure the exit from this cavern. The sudden appearance of a thick white mist rising out of the dry ground causes alarm among the Shom'zaa minions. They abandon their grisly work at the furnace and come rushing to investigate this strange, inexplicable fog. But before they can block your way, you rush from your hiding place beneath the stone channel and enter the dense mist. Guided by your Kai senses, you are able to pass through the mist and escape into the tunnel unhindered.
Turn to 270.
Your pulse races as you watch the mass of shrieking, wild-eyed horrors come charging across the cavern towards the Drodarin line. Their raw fury stands in stark contrast to the cool discipline of the War-thanes who wait to greet them with musket, cannon, and axe. Suddenly your eye is caught by a flash of blue light near the middle of the attacking horde, and your stomach heaves when you see an icy bolt of energy come streaking directly towards your section of the barricade.
If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 303.
If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 269.
If you possess Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 287.
If you possess none of these skills, or if you choose not to use any of them, turn to 43.
You soon realize that the crumpled bronze lid will not wedge the chamber door shut indefinitely. Three further heavy blows strike against the portal, and with each one, the lid slips and the door inches open.
If you wish to retreat to the middle of the chamber and take cover behind Andarin's tomb, turn to 245.
If you wish to hurry back to the alcove and pull the concealed lever, turn to 86.
You examine the lid of the tomb and find that it is cemented firmly into position by centuries of grime. In order for you to lift the lid, you will first have to break through these layers of encrusted sediment.
If you possess Kai-alchemy and have attained the Kai rank of Sun Knight, turn to 341.
If you possess the Kai Weapon ‘Magnara’ and wish to use it, turn to 299.
If you are not a Sun Knight who possesses Kai-alchemy, or if you do not possess the Kai Weapon ‘Magnara’, turn instead to 2.
Your blazing Arrow speeds towards the kegs, but the skeletal creature sees it approaching and it reacts swiftly to your deadly threat. It raises its clawed hand and launches an icy blast that freezes the Arrow in mid-air. Then it shrieks at a group of Shom'zaa Agarashi, and immediately they close in on you with their swords drawn. You shoulder your Bow and unsheathe your Kai Weapon, steeling yourself to meet their determined advance.
Shom'zaa Agarashi: COMBAT SKILL 40 ENDURANCE 32
If you win this combat in three rounds or less, turn to 65.
If you win the combat in four rounds or longer, turn to 189.
You hit the ground and tumble head over heels across the rocky red soil until an ore wagon brings you to a sudden and painf
ul halt. The collision opens a wound above your right ear that leaves you stunned and bleeding: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
To continue, turn to 58.
The Sun-crystal arcs over the top of the stalagmite and glances Shom'zaa's head. Instantly, there is a blinding flash that makes you cover your face with your hands. This searing light is followed almost immediately by a deafening implosion which sucks a whirlwind of air and loose rock into its spinning core. You throw yourself upon Prince Leomin and pin him to the ground as air and slime and debris are sucked from this cavern into the whirling vortex of the implosion.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have chosen is 0–3, turn to 114.
If it is 4–6, turn to 3.
If it is 7–9, turn to 232.
You fall into the ripe barley and its sharp stalks cut your face and hands: lose 1 ENDURANCE point. Freed from your mental control, the Brozal scrambles away along the muddy ditch in a desperate bid to escape. Before you can command it to return, it has disappeared back into the vast sea of wheat.
Wearily you turn and head north on foot. The surrounding barley is a young crop, and you are able to see the roof of a Drodarin farmhouse peeking above it, less than 50 yards distant.
If you wish to investigate this farmhouse, turn to 73.
If you choose to avoid the farmhouse, turn to 37.
When you press the third button, you hear the locking mechanism click open and you give a sigh of relief. But then your heart sinks when you hear the dull clang of an alarm bell echoing along the tunnel. Fearing the worst, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon in anticipation of trouble as the portal slowly swings open.
Turn to 40.
You are within a dozen yards of the barricade, when a missile hits you forcefully in the back and sends you sprawling to the ground.
To continue, turn to 41.
Your blow fails to connect and the fireball hits you in the chest, hurling you backwards through the open panel with the terrific force of its impact: lose 8 ENDURANCE points.
If you have survived this grievous wounding, turn to 336.
The icy bolt smashes into your shield-spell and dissipates in a great cloud of steam. Your effective use of Old Kingdom magic to counter the creature's icy attack shocks the watching minions. Nervously they back away, defying the hysterical shrieking of their cadaverous commander who orders them to attack you en masse. Before they can rally themselves and carry out the order, you steal away into a section of the vast laboratory that is crowded with siege machinery and engines of war. Here you take cover behind a large shield on wheels and observe the Shom'zaa minions as they mill about in confusion.
Suddenly their commander recaptures their attention by freezing two luckless minions to death with another icy blast. When he then commands the portcullis to be lowered to prevent your escape, a zealous minion rushes forward and begins hacking at its securing rope with a battle-axe. The rope snaps, and you watch with horror as the portcullis comes crashing down to seal off the exit.
Turn to 320.
As you run towards the archway, you unsheathe your Weapon and give vent to your battle-cry: ‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’
Illustration VIII—Giving vent to your battle-cry, you run towards the archway.
Shom'zaa Agarashi (with spears): COMBAT SKILL 45 ENDURANCE 40
If you win this combat in four rounds or less, turn to 82.
If you win and the fight lasts five rounds or longer, turn to 236.
The Shom'zaa lancers howl with glee as they thunder towards you on the backs of their Brozal steeds. You draw your Kai Weapon and steel yourself to meet their determined attack.
Shom'zaa Agarashi Lancers: COMBAT SKILL 44 ENDURANCE 40
If you win this combat, turn to 55.
You are spotted by the reinforcements as they enter the cavern, and the leading Shom'zaa Agarashi come rushing towards you with their spears raised. To stand and fight them would be suicidal for they total more than a hundred in number; your only hope is to reach the barricade.
As you sprint across the body-strewn cavern towards the distant throne chamber, the dwarven defenders see you approaching. Some of them recognize you are a Kai Lord by the cut and colour of your tunic, and a hearty cheer arises from the barricade. Arrows and crossbow bolts whistle past as the Shom'zaa horde attempts to prevent you from reaching the throne chamber alive. Then you hear the loud report of muskets and pistols as Drodarin marksmen give covering fire from their barricade.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If your current ENDURANCE points score is 20 or less, deduct 2.
If your total score is now 3 or lower, turn to 333.
If it is 4–7, turn to 296.
If it is 8 or higher, turn to 124.
The destruction of the platform creates a pall of dense grey smoke, and its smouldering fragments set off a chain-reaction of smaller explosions all around the hall. Suddenly the Shom'zaa minions are gripped by a blind panic. They rush in every direction, clawing and biting at each other in their frenzy to escape the explosions and flames. You seize the opportunity to make a dash for the archway, and skilfully you weave your way through the chaos, felling all who dare stand in your way. When you reach the portcullis, you lower your head and hurry down the stone ramp to the level below.
Turn to 300.
After a few minutes the minions cease firing and the pit shaft echoes to the sound of their distant, gurgling laughter. Cautiously you move to the middle of the chamber, to where a line of empty ore wagons stand on a sleepered track. This track curves in the centre and exits the chamber through brick-lined tunnels in the north and east walls. Beside the north tunnel exit you see an iron door with a broken lock.
You unbutton the neck of your tunic and look at the Andarin Bloodstone in the hope it may help you choose the best route to follow. Its amber and crimson halves are glowing a little brighter now, but when you point the gemstone at each tunnel exit in turn, there is no variation. Looking down, you see that there are many tracks in the dusty ground. Some have been made by booted Drodarin feet, but mostly they are the clawed footprints of Shom'zaa's minions. Then you apply your Kai Sixth Sense and you detect danger lurking along both tunnels.
If you choose to explore the north tunnel, turn to 67.
If you decide to explore the east tunnel, turn to 265.
If you wish to examine the iron door before leaving this chamber, turn to 139.
Upon pressing the last button, you hear the locking mechanism click open and you greet the sound with a sigh of relief. But then your heart sinks when you hear the dull clang of an alarm bell echoing along the tunnel. Fearing discovery, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon in anticipation of trouble as the bronze portal slowly swings open.
Turn to 40.
Quickly you give voice to a low-pitched tone that counters Shom'zaa's cry, and your swift reaction saves you from sustaining any damage from this sonic attack.
Turn to 154.
Upon reaching the door you discover, to your dismay, that its bolt is jammed and cannot be drawn across. You can hear the approach of heavy footfalls in the passageway outside, and your pulse races as you scour the chamber in a desperate search for something that can be used to secure the unlocked door.
You find the saucer-like top of a burial urn lying beside Andarin's tomb, and you jam this bronze lid into the gap beneath the door in the hope that it will wedge the portal shut. Suddenly the door shudders as something hits it with tremendous force. The bronze lid crumples, yet miraculously it prevents the door from flying open.
If you possess Kai-alchemy and have attained the Kai rank of
Sun Knight, turn to 344.
If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 117.
As you run across the body-strewn chamber towards the barricade, you are surprised and relieved to see that the only Shom'zaa minions who now occupy this hall are those that lie dead on the ground around you.
When your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that you are no longer in any immediate danger, you slow your pace as you approach the throne chamber barricade.
Turn to 315.
Hurriedly you leave the track and leap through the tall crops, pitching and stumbling among the tough stalks as you struggle to get away from the approaching riders. In your haste to escape, you forget to use your innate Pathsmanship skills to cover your tracks, and within a minute of first sighting you the riders are able to pick up your trail.
The sound of them crashing through the wheat alerts you to the need for you to hide your tracks. You change direction repeatedly, and use your Kai skills to weave through the crops without leaving any sign of your passing. This tactic throws most of them off your scent, but one rider follows his instincts and he homes in on you with uncanny precision.