The Fall of Blood Mountain Read online

Page 15

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have chosen is 0–3, turn to 80.

  If it is 4 or higher, turn to 181.


  You feel a powerful force slam into your left shoulder blade. It spins you around and sends you tumbling backwards into the narrow passageway.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If the number you have picked is even (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0), deduct 2 ENDURANCE points from your current total. If the number you have picked is odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9), deduct 4 ENDURANCE points.

  If you have survived this wounding, turn to 336.


  Your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus thaws your frozen limbs and saves you from sustaining permanent damage to your feet and toes, but when you hit the ground, you find that you are unable to move your legs effectively.

  Before the Shom'zaa Agarashi can rally themselves and attack you while you lie helpless upon the floor, you crawl away into a section of the vast laboratory that is crowded with siege machinery and engines of war. Here you take cover behind a large shield on wheels and observe the enemy milling in confusion. While you are watching them, you use your Kai healing skills to restore all feeling to your frost-numbed feet.

  Suddenly their commander galvanizes their attention by freezing two luckless minions to death with another icy blast. When he then commands the portcullis to be lowered to prevent you from escaping, a zealous Agarashi rushes forward and begins hacking at its securing rope with a battle-axe. The rope snaps, and you watch with horror as the portcullis comes crashing down to seal off the exit.

  Turn to 320.


  You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Strength and as it begins to take effect, you feel a surge of power flowing through every muscle of your body. Electrified by this energy, you wedge the blade of your Kai Weapon into the crack of the portal and attempt to lever it open.

  For more than an hour you struggle in vain to open the door, until you are forced to admit defeat. The portal cannot be opened without its crystal key. Reluctantly you return to the basket and make your way back to the cavern at the entrance to Shom'zaa's hive.

  Turn to 319.


  You enter the tunnel and follow the wagon track as it winds through ore-rich bedrock. After several minutes, you detect a noise like distant thunder rumbling in the tunnel ahead. You proceed with caution and gradually this low, thunderous noise becomes a series of loud bangs. The ground trembles with each concussive blast and grit trickles from cracks in the arched roof. Then a massive explosion shakes the tunnel violently and you are engulfed by a sudden deluge of falling rocks and dust.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Elementalism or Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 2 or lower, turn to 329.

  If it is 3–6, turn to 172.

  If it is 7 or higher, turn to 49.


  The lancers drop their spears and begin writhing in their saddles, clawing at their skulls in a vain attempt to put an end to the agony. Then, one by one, they topple to the ground and lie there motionless. Their Brozal steeds are also affected by your sonic attack, but to a lesser degree. They experience no pain, but they are temporarily paralysed by the sound of your voice.

  If you possess Animal Mastery, turn to 169.

  If you do not, turn to 4.


  With a sweep of its skeletal arm, the Shom'zaa Agarashi commander signals its minions to halt. Instantly they obey the order and a deathly quiet descends upon the tunnel. Your skin prickles with fear when you sense that the creature is scanning the bodies of the battle-slain, using its psychic powers to probe for signs of life.

  If you possess Kai-screen and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, turn to 5.

  If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 179.


  You level your right arm at the stack of powder kegs and whisper the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand. A bolt of blue flame arcs from your outstretched hand and speeds towards the platform, yet the skeletal creature reacts swiftly to your deadly threat. It raises its clawed hand and launches a counterspell to check your crackling bolt.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. For every Kai rank that you have attained above the rank of Kai Grand Sentinel, add 1 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 8 or lower, turn to 196.

  If it is 9 or higher, turn to 142.


  You make a circle in the air with your right hand and hurriedly recite the words of the Old Kingdom Spell Shield. The air shimmers as the spell takes form, and the deadly blast of ice slams into it.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your current ENDURANCE score is higher than 25, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1.

  If your total score is now 2 or lower, turn to 31.

  If it is 3 or higher, turn to 143.


  You make good your escape along the tunnel, your footfalls pounding in time to the beat of your heart as you hurry to put distance between yourself and the smelting cavern. Then a great bronze portal looms out of the darkness ahead. It blocks the passage and brings you skidding to a halt.

  Carefully you run your fingers across its cool surface and you detect a raised panel at its centre. Three domed buttons protrude from the panel, each one engraved with a Drodarin rune. You call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship to decipher their meaning and you discover that they are numbers: 1, 2, and 3. Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that this portal can be made to open if you press the three numbered buttons in the correct order.

  If you possess Telegnosis, turn to 53.

  If you do not, turn to 260.


  Hurriedly you disentangle yourself from the bodies of your slain foes, but when you scramble to your feet and turn towards the cannon, you find yourself staring at the black claw of the Agarashi commander. There is a sudden flash of blue light, and in a terrifying instant you are paralysed by a freezing blast of energy. As consciousness ebbs and fades, the last sound you hear is the commander's cruel, alien laughter.

  Tragically, your life and your mission end here.


  You descend the stone ramp and tread carefully through the shallow slime that covers the floor of this lair. As you stalk towards Shom'zaa's hiding place, you recall Lord Rimoah's words of warning: you must not be too close to the creature when the Sun-crystal touches his body, or you will risk being consumed when the crystal's energy is released.

  The memory of his wise words makes you pause in mid-step and reconsider your actions. You have not taken your eyes away from the stalagmite since you stepped off the stone ramp, yet you sense that something is wrong. You look again, and suddenly the glimpse that you can see of Shom'zaa's head begins to fade. Your throat tightens when you realize that you have been stalking an illusion. As you turn to go back to the ramp, you are suddenly struck in the back by a terrific force.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 24.

  If it is 5–9, turn to 91.


  Defiantly you turn to face the hideous creature. Its fists begin pulsating like two glowing beacons, and suddenly your Kai Sixth Sense warns you that it is preparing to discharge a blast of sorcerous energy.

  If you possess a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 304.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 203.

  If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 148.

  If you do not possess a Bow, nor either of these skills, or if you choose not to use any of them, turn to 192.


  As the icy blast speeds nearer, you throw yourself down on the ground in an attempt to avoid bein
g hit.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If your current ENDURANCE score is 16 or lower, deduct 1.

  If your total score is now 5 or less, turn to 89.

  If it is 6 or more, turn to 156.


  You have descended to within 20 feet of the base of the shaft when suddenly a section of the pit wall collapses under your weight. You lose your grip and tumble backwards, landing heavily upon the iron roof of the wrecked elevator cage below: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

  Winded by the fall, you roll off the cage roof onto the floor of a small cavern. As you struggle to catch your breath, the alien sound of your attackers' voices can be heard echoing down the shaft from above. They have reached the edge of the pit and some are loosing off arrows in the hope of hitting you by chance. Promptly you roll away from the cage as the first of these missiles ricochet off its buckled iron roof and shower you with splinters.

  Turn to 131.


  You use your improved mastery to summon a mist that billows up from the ground, separating you and the charging lancers. As the swirling vapours begin to obscure you from their sight, you turn and run back towards the tall crops in an attempt to evade their attack.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Assimilance, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 6 or lower, turn to 47.

  If it is 7 or higher, turn to 248.


  You slow to a halt and take cover in the shadows, close to the exit from the tunnel. Carefully you watch the movements of the Shom'zaa Agarashi guards as you consider the most efficient way you can cause a diversion.

  If you possess Assimilance and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Master Superior or higher, turn to 66.

  If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 163.


  You draw upon your elemental powers and focus them at a large oil-filled lantern which hangs directly above the platform. You summon a gust of wind to buffet this lantern in the hope that it will cause some of its blazing fuel to splash onto the kegs below.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–2, turn to 208.

  If it is 3–9, turn to 88.


  You grit your teeth against the pain of your wounds and crawl out of the line of fire. Then you force yourself to get back onto your feet and stagger towards the distant vault.

  As you stumble forwards, you hear the terrible roar of a fireball come surging towards your back. You throw yourself through the vault's arched entrance and roll to one side. It is a timely action, one that saves you from being scorched by the missile as it whooshes past and explodes among the treasures stored here. As its fire dies out, you hear another sound — the dull clunk! of the arrow-trap resetting itself.

  You glance back into the passageway and see that your pursuer has now reached the floor slab, triggering a second volley of deadly arrows. Unable to turn in the narrow confines of the passage, it is skewered by more than a dozen of these bone-tipped shafts. With a hellish shriek, the creature's corpulent body erupts into a great ball of flame. It burns with such fierce intensity that, within minutes, it is reduced to a heap of white-hot ash.

  To continue, turn to 330.


  The empty powder barrel offers you no protection from the enemy's crossbow bolts. Before you can seek harder cover, you are spotted by the reinforcements as they enter the cavern. The leading Shom'zaa Agarashi raise their spears and come rushing towards you, shrieking like demons. You reach for your Kai Weapon, but then you stay your hand. To fight these creatures would be suicidal for they number more than a hundred. Your only hope of survival lies at the barricade.

  You spring to your feet and race across the body-strewn ground towards the distant throne chamber. As you emerge from a cloud of cannon smoke drifting across the cavern, the dwarven defenders see you approaching. Some of them recognize you are a Kai Lord by the cut and colour of your tunic, and a hearty cheer arises from the barricade. Arrows and crossbow bolts whistle past as the Shom'zaa horde attempts to prevent you from reaching the throne chamber alive. Then you hear the loud report of muskets and pistols as Drodarin marksmen give covering fire from the barricade.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If your current ENDURANCE points score is 20 or less, deduct 2.

  If your total score is now 3 or lower, turn to 333.

  If it is 4–7, turn to 296.

  If it is 8 or higher, turn to 124.


  Having discovered that the first number in the unlocking sequence is 3, you calculate that there can now only be two variations in the order in which the buttons can be pressed.

  If you wish to try to unlock the portal by pressing the buttons in the following order: 3–2–1, turn to 321.

  If you decide to try the alternative sequence: 3–1–2, turn to 312.


  Cursing your misjudgement, you struggle to your feet and turn to face the lumbering beast as it continues its inexorable advance. Then suddenly it stops in mid-stride and turns towards Prince Leomin. As its crushing feet tread a slow, deliberate path towards the prince's head, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon and rush forward in a desperate attempt to halt the creature.


  This being is immune to all psychic attacks. If the Kai Weapon you wield is ‘Magnara’, you will benefit from the bonus gained due to its unique properties.

  If you win the combat, turn to 74.


  You hear the Brozal slowing as they draw near to the junction, and your skin prickles with a premonition of danger. Your Kai senses detect the approach of a malevolent entity, a creature in their company that is exuding a powerful aura of evil. Fearing that you may be discovered if you stay here, you silently slip away along the passage.

  Soon you arrive at a great bronze door. It is inlaid with ancient Drodarin runes and embellished with gold leaf. Gently you push against its cold surface, and the portal swings open to reveal a gloomy chamber. You sense no threat here and so you enter and then push the door closed behind you.

  The walls of this chamber are lined with alcoves which are filled with ornate burial urns. Some have been smashed, and their powdery contents lie scattered upon the marble floor. You quickly determine that you have entered a Drodarin cinerarium — a place where the cremated remains of dwarven warriors are laid to rest. Such chambers are considered sacred by the Drodarin, and it saddens you to see that this one has been wantonly desecrated by Shom'zaa minions.

  A large tomb dominates the centre of the chamber. Its lid is cracked and holed where the minions have attempted to force an entry. Drodarin script embellishes its dusty surfaces, and when you make a closer inspection, your pulse quickens. This is the tomb of Andarin — the first King of Bor. Through a small hole that punctures the tomb's lid, you can see part of the king's burial urn. It is lit by the supernatural glow of a golden warhammer that rests beside it. Your Kai senses detect that this is a powerful, magical weapon.

  Illustration XVI—Through a small hole you can see part of the king's burial urn.

  If you wish to attempt to open the lid of this tomb, turn to 118.

  If you choose to leave the tomb of King Andarin undisturbed, turn to 230.


  You raise your hands and rapidly recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Counterspell. The air shimmers before your face as the spell takes effect, and the deadly blast of ice is transformed into a harmless stream of lukewarm water.

  Your unexpected use of magic to counter the creature's icy attack shocks the watching minions. Nervously they back away, defying the hysterical shrieking of their cadaverous commander who orders them to attack you en masse
. Before they can rally themselves and carry out the order, you steal away into a section of the vast laboratory that is crowded with siege machinery and engines of war. Here you take cover behind a large shield on wheels and observe the Shom'zaa minions as they mill about in confusion.

  Suddenly their commander recaptures their attention by freezing two luckless minions to death with another icy blast. When he then commands the portcullis to be lowered to prevent your escape, a zealous minion rushes forward and begins hacking at its securing rope with a battle-axe. The rope snaps, and you watch with horror as the portcullis comes crashing down to seal off the exit.

  Turn to 320.


  You unsheathe your Weapon and hold it ready as cautiously you explore the cavern. You are wary that there may be other creatures lurking in the depths of its craggy hollows, waiting patiently to attack. However, you soon discover that the cavern had only one occupant and it is now empty.

  The only exit from this place is the natural tunnel in the west wall, through which the underground river flows away. Carefully you test the water and discover that it is hot, although not unbearably so. You resolve to try to escape from the cavern by way of this river, and before you lower yourself into its steamy water, you make sure that all of your Weapons and equipment are secure. Upon entering the river you are carried away by the swift current and swept beneath the tunnel's low arch.