The Fall of Blood Mountain Read online
Page 16
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 103.
If it is 5–9, turn to 11.
You hit the rocky red soil and come to an abrupt halt when you collide with an ore wagon. The impact gashes your scalp and leaves you stunned and bleeding: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.
Turn to 58.
You draw upon your elemental skills to create a shield of hot air between you and the icy blast. You see the air shimmering before the barricade moments before the deadly blast slams into it.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your current ENDURANCE score is higher than 25, add 2 to the number you have picked.
If your total score is now 3 or lower, turn to 183.
If it is 4 or higher, turn to 57.
The flailing fist passes within inches of your skull. Its terrible heat forces you to roll away from the door and scramble for the cover of Andarin's tomb. Suddenly the portal bursts open and slams against the wall with a tremendous crash. An icy trickle of fear runs down your back when you peek over the tomb and look upon the squat creature that is now framed in the doorway. It has a bloated, veined body and waxy skin that is as pale as a frozen corpse. From its fanged mouth there flickers a forked tongue, and its scarlet eye-slits radiate an evil light that chills the marrow in your bones. As it advances into the chamber with its arms outstretched, you swallow hard with disbelief when you stare at its white-hot fists. They are flaring and pulsating like two great balls of fiery plasma.
If you wish to attack this creature, turn to 212.
If you wish to attempt to evade it, turn to 79.
You slide to a halt beside the cannon, but before you can set off the powder in the touch-hole, the Agarashi commander fires an icy blast at your head. Instinctively, you duck down to avoid being struck by this deadly missile, and it whooshes past within inches of your scalp.
You are rising to your feet when suddenly you hear a chorus of hellish screams. You glance over your shoulder and your heart misses a beat when you see three Shom'zaa Agarashi; they are charging at you with battle-axes clasped in their taloned hands.
If you possess Kai-surge and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, turn to 78.
If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 316.
Aching and bedraggled after your punishing ordeal in the water, you crawl up the stony river bank and rest beside a mossy boulder. Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
After surveying your new surroundings, you determine that you have arrived at the base of a deep fissure eroded by the rivers which converge near this point. Your keen eyes spot a black opening in the granite cliff-face overhanging the shingle bank, and when you go to investigate, you discover that it is the entrance to a long and winding tunnel. Growing out of the walls of this dank passage are several scarlet-capped toadstools.
If you possess Herbmastery, turn to 206.
If you do not, turn to 221.
You hit the ground and the whistling salvo passes harmlessly over your head. Quickly you crawl forward until you are out of the line of fire, and then you scramble to your feet and race towards the distant vault.
As you run, you hear the terrible roar of a fireball come surging towards your back. You throw yourself through the vault's arched entrance and roll to one side. It is a timely action, one that saves you from being scorched by the missile as it whooshes past and explodes among the treasures stored here. As its fire dies out, you hear another sound — the dull clunk! of the arrow-trap resetting itself.
You glance back into the passageway and see that your pursuer has now reached the floor slab, triggering a second volley of deadly arrows. Unable to turn in the narrow confines of the passage, it is skewered by more than a dozen of these bone-tipped shafts. With a hellish shriek, the creature's corpulent body erupts into a great ball of flame. It burns with such fierce intensity that, within minutes, it is reduced to a heap of white-hot ash.
To continue, turn to 330.
You leave the cover of the shadows and set off towards the archway at a run, building speed rapidly as you draw closer. You are within a dozen yards of the enemy when you unsheathe your Weapon and give vent to your battle-cry: ‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’
Shom'zaa Agarashi (with spears): COMBAT SKILL 42 ENDURANCE 40
If you win this combat in four rounds or less, turn to 82.
If you win and the fight lasts five rounds or longer, turn to 236.
You draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus and focus this power upon a large, oil-filled lantern which hangs directly above the platform. By the power of your will alone, you attempt to cause the lantern to tilt and spill some of its blazing fuel onto the kegs below.
Unfortunately, the creature on the platform senses you, and it emits a hellish shriek. A fiery pain wells up inside your skull as this servant of Shom'zaa launches a powerful stream of destructive psychic blasts at your mind. Rapidly the pressure builds in your head until your skull feels fit to burst. Your vision is clouded by a scarlet haze, and you are unable to stifle a cry of pain as you are brought to your knees: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.
Desperately you struggle to erect a defensive wall around the core of your mind, using your power of Psi-screen. Slowly, as your mental defences lock together, the pain eases and your vision clears. Through the receding red mist you see a group of Shom'zaa Agarashi closing in on you with their swords drawn. You force yourself to stand, and you unsheathe your Kai Weapon just in time to meet their determined attack.
Shom'zaa Agarashi: COMBAT SKILL 40 ENDURANCE 30
If you win this combat in three rounds or less, turn to 65.
If you win the combat in four rounds or longer, turn to 189.
You cradle Prince Leomin's head in the crook of your arm and attempt to heal the terrible wounds that the corrosive fluid has inflicted. Sadly, you discover it is too late to save him.
It was Leomin's greed that caused the release of Shom'zaa and its ravening horde, yet he was a brave warrior nonetheless. His last courageous act saved your life, and for that you will always be grateful. You lay his head gently upon the ground and offer up a prayer to Ishir to watch over his soul. Perhaps, one day, his kinsfolk will forgive and forget his weaknesses and come to honour the memory of this brave warrior prince.
You resolve to return at once to the Throne Chamber of Andarin. You have completed one vital part of your mission — the destruction of Shom'zaa. Now you must help secure the remaining goal — the protection of the Throne of Andarin. With this aim in mind, you leave Shom'zaa's lair and hurry back to the hole through which you entered the hive. Here you stop to scan the cavern beyond before venturing any further.
The narrow tunnel, along which you first entered the cavern, is silent and empty. By contrast, the wagon-tracked passage leading off to the south now echoes to the sound of anguished cries. They are the shrieks of Shom'zaa's minions. The death of their master has been felt among their ranks, and although they survive for now, they know that without his power they are ultimately doomed.
If you wish to retrace your steps to the basket, turn to 242.
If you choose to explore the south passage, turn to 68.
Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that these sniggering lancers are especially susceptible to all forms of sonic attack.
If you possess a musical instrument, turn to 145.
If you do not, turn to 15.
You are within a dozen yards of the barricade when an arrow hits you in the back and knocks you down with the force of its impact: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.
To continue, turn to 41.
Arrows whistle past on all sides, but your speed and agility keep you safe from their deadly touch. You reach the pit unscathed and pull aside the timbers that lie strewn across the opening. Peering down into the darkness, you glimpse the wreckage of a cage lying at the bottom of the shaft, 60 feet below.
The Shom'zaa minions are closing in around the pit, firing as they advance. When an arrow rips the sleeve of your tunic, you quickly make up your mind to climb down the shaft to avoid being hit.
If you possess Kai-alchemy, turn to 76.
If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 180.
The Jug of Vinegar strikes the spider but it fails to break. It bounces off the creature's soft underbelly, and you gasp with disappointment when you see it splash into the river and sink without trace. (Erase this item from your Action Chart.)
The huge arachnid makes a vile chittering sound as it scuttles towards you. Then it pounces, and you are shocked to see that its fangs are coated with a sticky black venom.
Giant Steamspider: COMBAT SKILL 48 ENDURANCE 45
This creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Kai-surge).
If you win the combat, turn to 112.
You unsheathe your Kai Axe and raise it in readiness to attack the tomb lid's seal of grime.
Tomb of Andarin: COMBAT SKILL 50 ENDURANCE 50
Conduct this combat in the usual way. You will benefit from the bonus gained due to your Kai Weapon's unique properties. Any ENDURANCE losses you may sustain are due to the fatigue you experience as you battle to break open the lid. You may not use any psychic attacks during this combat.
You may cease attacking the lid at any time (evade) by turning to 230.
If you win the combat, turn to 110.
The stone ramp leads to a titanic, lantern-lit cavern, where acres of wheat and barley are ripening in fields of fertile soil. You are amazed that such rich arable land can exist so deep below the surface of Magnamund, where rain has never fallen and the sun has never shone. Truly the Goddess Ishir gave the Drodarin a wondrous gift when she bestowed upon them the Throne of Andarin, for its powers alone permit this miracle to exist.
You leave the ramp and follow a rutted cart track. It borders upon a field of tall wheat, swaying gently in a cooling breeze. As you walk along, you magnify your vision and attempt to judge the distance to the far wall of the cavern. You have just concluded that it lies more than two miles ahead when suddenly you see something in the middle distance that makes you freeze in your tracks. A group of six large, two-footed creatures have emerged from the wheat field. At first glance they remind you of the guanza, the racing lizards bred in the Southlands, but when you take a closer look you see that these grey-skinned mounts are not born of natural stock. Astride their scaly backs sit Shom'zaa minions armed with spears and lances. The leading rider sights you on the track and immediately the group comes speeding towards you with a loose, loping gait.
Illustration XVII—Six mounted Shom'zaa minions come speeding towards you.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–3, turn to 136.
If it is 4–9, turn to 225.
You spin on your heel and launch a mighty swipe at the ceiling, but the blade of your Kai Weapon glances harmlessly off a steel-hard shell. You look up and see a large creature affixed to the rough surface. It resembles a huge black beetle, with mandibles and a shiny shell that covers a pair of membranous hind wings. From a bony tube beneath this horror's gaping mouth comes a thin length of thread. It whips around your legs and yanks you to the ground. As you fall, another thread loops around your body, making you gasp for air as it is pulled tighter and tighter.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 80.
If it is 5 or higher, turn to 181.
You escape along the dark tunnel at a run, your footsteps pounding in time to the beat of your heart as you race to put distance between yourself and the smelting cavern. Then a great bronze portal looms out of the darkness ahead, blocking the passage. It creaks open as you approach it and four muscular minions appear, framed in the glow of the torchlit tunnel that lies beyond. These creatures are larger than those you have encountered so far, and their reptilian eyes glint with a malevolent light that betrays their intelligence and ruthless cunning. They snicker with delight as they unsheathe their bladed weapons and rush forward to cut you down.
Shom'zaa Agarashi: COMBAT SKILL 44 ENDURANCE 44
If you win this combat, turn to 167.
You raise your hands and hurriedly intone the words of the Brotherhood Spell Counterspell. The air shimmers as the spell takes effect, and when the deadly blast of ice passes through this scorching air, it is transformed into a spray of warm water.
Turn to 244.
You draw an Arrow to your Bow and let it fly at the creature's eyes, but as your shaft whistles towards its head, the beast slams its glowing fists together and catches it in mid-air. Instantly, the wooden shaft ignites. It burns fiercely for a few seconds before crumbling away to ash.
Fearful that the same could happen to you if you allow this creature to get too close, you turn to face the secret panel and then step towards the passageway that lies beyond.
Turn to 159.
You dive to avoid the onrushing blast of ice, but it strikes your legs as you are in mid-air, and you suffer severe frostbite to your calves and feet: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.
To continue, turn to 263.
The icy bolt smashes into your shield-spell and explodes in a great cloud of steam. Your effective use of Old Kingdom magic to counter the icy blast shocks the Shom'zaa commander. His nerve breaks and he turns to flee with his minions following closely on his heels. Soon they have disappeared from sight and a deathly silence descends upon the tunnel.
If you wish to search the bodies that are lying in this tunnel, turn to 144.
If you choose to explore the tunnel further, turn to 160.
Having successfully reached the far side of the wall of fire, you hurry away towards the north in case the Shom'zaa lancers should attempt to outflank you. Soon you come to a muddy ditch which marks the boundary between two neighbouring fields of barley. In the field ahead the plants are younger and shorter, and you are able to see the roof of a Drodarin farmhouse less than 50 yards distant.
If you wish to investigate this farmhouse, turn to 73.
If you choose to avoid the farmhouse, turn to 37.
You peer through the criss-cross of timbers, but you can detect no signs of life in the passage that stretches beyond.
If you wish to attempt to enter the passage, turn to 204.
If you decide to continue along the main tunnel, turn to 220.
You draw upon your advanced camouflage skills to improve your chances of reaching the tunnel exit without being observed by the surrounding Shom'zaa minions.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.
If your total score is now 3 or lower, turn to 186.
If it is 4 or higher, turn to 62.
You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and extend your right fist towards the rock creature. A tingle runs down your arm. Then a flash of light illuminates the hive when a sparkling bolt leaps from your hand and arcs to the creature's chest. It strikes the beast with a loud Crack! but then it rebounds. Hurriedly you duck to avoid being hit in the face by your own missile as it comes streaking back towards you.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 252.
If it is 5–9, turn to 107.
You strike the fiery missile and deflect it away from your chest, saving yourself from terrible injury. Yet you do not emerge from this deadly action completely unscathed. The shock of the fireball's impact upon your blade sends you tumbling backwards through the open panel. You scrape your head as you fall and bruise your knees and back: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
Dazed by your fall, you drag yourself painfully to your feet and stumble away along the cobwebbed passage. In the distance, you glimpse the opening to a chamber that is crowded with objects that glitter enticingly in the half-light. When you magnify your vision, you realize with some amazement that you are approaching a secret Drodarin treasure vault.
The sound of falling masonry alerts you to a renewed danger: the creature is attempting to pursue you. Chunks of crumbling plaster are being dislodged from the walls as the creature forces its bloated body along the narrow passageway.
If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, turn to 223.
If you do not, turn to 166.
Upon pressing the last button, you hear the locking mechanism click open and you feel sure that you have chosen the correct combination. But then your hopes dissolve when suddenly you hear the dull clang of an alarm bell echoing along the tunnel. You take a step back and unsheathe your Kai Weapon in anticipation of trouble as the bronze portal slowly swings open.