The Fall of Blood Mountain Page 17
Turn to 40.
With a sweep of its skeletal arm, the Shom'zaa Agarashi commander signals its minions to halt. Instantly they obey the order and a deathly quiet descends upon the tunnel. Your skin prickles with fear when you sense that the creature is scanning the bodies of the battle-slain, using its psychic powers to probe for signs of life.
You summon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen to shield yourself, and the creature fails to detect your living presence. With a petulant hiss, it signals to its minions to continue. When you can no longer hear the rasping sound of their clawed feet scraping the tunnel floor, you uncoil yourself and get to your feet.
If you wish to search the bodies that are lying in this tunnel, turn to 144.
If you choose to explore the tunnel further, turn to 160.
Your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus thaws your frozen arm and saves you from sustaining permanent damage to your forearm and fingers, but when you hit the ground, you discover that you are unable to get back on your feet.
Before the Shom'zaa Agarashi can rally themselves and attack you while you lie stunned upon the floor, you crawl away into a section of the vast laboratory that is crowded with siege machinery and engines of war. Here you take cover behind a large shield on wheels and observe the enemy milling in confusion. While you are watching them, you use your Kai healing skills to restore all feeling to your frost-numbed arm.
Suddenly their commander galvanizes their attention by freezing two luckless minions to death with another icy blast. When he then commands the portcullis to be lowered to prevent you from escaping, a zealous Agarashi rushes forward and begins hacking at its securing rope with a battle-axe. The rope snaps, and you watch with horror as the portcullis comes crashing down to seal off the exit.
Turn to 320.
The Drodarin War-thanes twirl their battle-helms upon the muzzles of their muskets and cheer loudly as you reach the barricade. They are in jubilant mood after six days of siege, for they believe that the retreat of their enemy from around the throne chamber signals the end of their long ordeal. Prince Torfan offers you his hand and helps lift you over the wall, and then he asks after his brother Leomin. You answer with a shake of your bowed head.
Illustration XVIII—The Drodarin War-thanes cheer loudly as you reach the barricade.
Torfan is saddened by the news of the loss of his brother, but as you accompany him into the throne chamber, he is greatly comforted to hear that you owe him your life.
‘Without your brother's brave sacrifice, Shom'zaa would have slain us both,’ you tell him.
‘He has paid a grave price for his foolishness,’ says Torfan, wistfully, ‘but he has died with honour. He will not be forgotten.’
The healing rays of the Throne of Andarin restore 5 ENDURANCE points. However, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
To continue, turn to 178.
You roll onto your side to avoid being struck by the razor-sharp blade of a Drodarin battle-axe. Sparks fly as it cuts deep into the granite floor, and its wielder shrieks with anger as it tries in vain to wrench it free. Hurriedly you unsheathe your Kai Weapon as its two companions hurl themselves upon you with murderous intent.
Shom'zaa Agarashi (with Drodarin battle-axes): COMBAT SKILL 44 ENDURANCE 32
If you win this combat in four rounds or less, turn to 255.
If you win the combat in five rounds or longer, turn to 271.
As you hit the ground, you are grazed by two of the bone arrows. One gouges your right shoulder, and the other draws a crimson line across the back of your left leg (lose 3 ENDURANCE points).
If you survive this wounding, turn to 279.
You follow the stocky Drodarin warrior out of the great hall and along a passageway that leads to the entrance of a vast, lantern-lit tunnel. Four large wolves are harnessed to a chariot parked alongside the tunnel wall, and these great grey beasts whine excitedly when they see Vagel appear. The captain leaps into the chariot and beckons you to join him. As soon as you are safely aboard, he grabs the wide leather reins and sets the wolves running.13
Tenaciously you cling to the chariot's rail as Vagel hurls his two-wheeled transport through a seemingly endless succession of titanic caverns, and you marvel at the scale and diversity of this subterranean kingdom, for it is far greater than you had ever imagined possible. You see farmsteads with cattle and crops, rivers laden with fish, mines rich with silver and rare minerals, and wells brimming with oil to fuel the great lanterns of this vast underground realm. But among the many wonders of Bor you also see some of the tragedy that has befallen the Drodarin race. Many of the dwellings you pass have been destroyed or abandoned, and groups of battle-weary dwarf warriors sit huddled and dejected in their ruins, nursing their wounds.
Beyond the smoking shell of a house, you arrive at the entrance to a sloping tunnel that descends to a quarry and copper mine. The site looks abandoned, but when you emerge from the tunnel, your Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship screams a warning that you are heading into an ambush. You shout at Vagel to turn the chariot about, but before he can obey your command, a volley of arrows whistle down from the surrounding rocks. One of the wolves is killed instantly, causing the chariot to swerve out of control. Then the left wheel shatters upon hitting a boulder, and in the blink of an eye you are sent tumbling headlong through the air.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.
If your total score is now 3 or lower, turn to 286.
If it is 4–7, turn to 120.
If it is 8 or higher, turn to 85.
[13] From here on, you will be underground, so if you possess the Kai Weapon ‘Illuminatus’, you will benefit from its unique properties (you may add 7 to your COMBAT SKILL instead of 5).
Upon returning to the cavern, you enter the south tunnel and follow the newly-laid wagon track to a junction where a smaller passage leads off to the right. The entrance to this smaller tunnel is blocked by a criss-cross of timbers. An iron sign is fixed to one of the planks, but its Drodarin runescript has been eaten away by acid. When you look closer, you determine that the sign was defaced by Shom'zaa himself. Traces of the acid are identical to the corrosive fluid that ate through Prince Leomin's armour.
If you possess Deliverance and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Defender or higher, turn to 138.
If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 308.
You remain hidden behind the large shield as the enemy come searching for you among the Drodarin war machines. Through a peephole in the shield's timbers, you observe the Agarashi commander climbing down from the platform to join in the hunt. It shrieks incessantly at its scurrying minions, and looses off random blasts of icy death as it searches for you like a hungry predator.
The tunnel by which you entered the hall has been sealed off, and the portcullis can no longer be raised now that its hoisting rope has been severed. Your hopes of escaping are fading fast, until you see something nearby that revives your flagging spirits.
Turn to 51.
When you press the last button in the sequence, you hear the locking mechanism disengage and the bronze portal slowly swings open. You hurry through, pausing for a few moments to pull the heavy door shut behind you.
The tunnel continues and you follow its central wagon track as gently it descends through the ore-rich rock. After several minutes, you detect a noise like distant thunder rumbling in the passageway ahead. You proceed with caution now, and gradually this low, thunderous noise becomes a series of individual bangs. Soon you catch sight of a lantern-lit hall in the far distance. When you stop to magnify your vision, you see at once that it harbours the source of
these loud explosions.
Turn to 35.
Shom'zaa clutches at the deep wounds you have inflicted, and he staggers and falls backwards into the slime. You have slain this formidable foe, yet you sense that his death is but a temporary state, for the link between his body and the Plane of Darkness remains intact. Even as you gaze upon his loathsome corpse you detect the flow of an evil reviving power.
You return to where Prince Leomin lies, and you call upon Ishir to guide your arm as you take the Sun-crystal from your pocket and hurl it at Shom'zaa's body. It strikes him and instantly there is a blinding flash. This searing light is followed by a deafening implosion which sucks a whirlwind of air and loose rock into its spinning core. You throw yourself upon Prince Leomin and pin him to the ground, as air and slime and debris are sucked from this cavern into the whirling vortex of the implosion.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–3, turn to 114.
If it is 4–6, turn to 3.
If it is 7–9, turn to 232.
King Ryvin summons Vagel, the red-haired captain of his Royal War-thanes, and assigns him to be your guide. Vagel knows a way to reach the throne chamber where the princes were last seen together. They and their bodyguards are believed to be trapped in the chamber, stoically defending the precious throne from capture by the horde. Vagel also knows the location of Shom'zaa's lair. The creature is known to return there frequently.
To help you further, the King gives you the Andarin Bloodstone. (Record this on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you keep on a chain around your neck. You need not discard another item in its favour if you already possess the maximum number of Special Items permissible.) He informs you that the colours of the amulet will deepen as you draw closer to his sons.
Lord Rimoah will stay in the great hall and assist King Ryvin in drawing together the remnants of his scattered army. They will then attempt to break through to the lower levels and secure the throne chamber. Having agreed the plan, you bid farewell to Rimoah and get ready to set off at once with the captain. Before you leave the great hall, Vagel offers you the chance to visit the Royal War-thane armoury.
If you wish to accept Vagel's offer, turn to 238.
If you choose not to, turn to 318.
As the shattered remnants of the Shom'zaa Agarashi melt away into the depths of the tunnel, you wipe away the ichor from the blade of your Kai Weapon and then sheathe it in your belt.
If you wish to search the bodies that are lying in the tunnel, turn to 144.
If you choose to explore the tunnel further, turn to 160.
You draw your Kai Weapon and brace yourself to take a swipe at this fearsome creature. The beast slams its fists together, and suddenly a ball of white-hot plasma surges towards your chest. You feel its searing heat upon your face as you lash out and strike it aside with the flat of your Kai blade.
Angered by your survival, the creature quickens its pace and comes lumbering towards you with both its arms raised. Fearful that you may not be able to deflect an attack at closer range, you retreat from the tomb and run across the chamber to the alcove. Quickly you pull the lever and a secret panel in the wall slides open to reveal a narrow passage beyond. Taking hold of the stonework which frames the panel, you pull yourself towards the narrow gap.
You are only halfway through the opening when two orbs of living flame leap from the creature's glowing fists and come arcing towards your spine.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Assimilance, add 1.
If your total score is now 0–4, turn to 44.
If it is 5–7, turn to 262.
If it is 8 or higher, turn to 30.
You utilize your improved Discipline of Elementalism to condense water out of the surrounding air with which to douse the flames that are feeding hungrily on your clothes and equipment. Your speedy action extinguishes the fire and saves your tunic and Backpack from ruin.
Turn to 307.
Your Kai Sixth Sense warns you that a large group of Shom'zaa Agarashi are approaching, and your Magnakai Discipline of Divination detects the presence of a creature among them who possesses magical abilities. A cursory look in the opposite direction tells you that this smooth-walled, lantern-lit passage offers very few places in which to hide. Having coolly assessed the situation, you call upon your improved mastery of Nexus to help you survive it.
You curl up on the floor and cover your head with your left arm to keep your Sommlending features hidden from view. Then you place yourself into a state of suspended animation, convincingly feigning death. Minutes later, a dozen Shom'zaa Agarashi come creeping along the tunnel. They are led by a thin creature with ebony skin and iridescent eyes. Without paying you a second glance, they pass by and disappear into the distance.
When you can no longer hear the rasping sound of their clawed feet scraping the tunnel floor, you bring yourself out of the trance and get to your feet.
If you wish to search the bodies that are lying in this tunnel, turn to 144.
If you choose to explore the tunnel further, turn to 160.
You raise your Kai Weapon and give voice to your proud battle-cry: ‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’ Your valiant shout inspires the surrounding War-thanes, and they rally to your command as you mount a counterattack to recapture the cannon. Boldly you lead the charge, sweeping aside any Shom'zaa Agarashi that are foolish or unfortunate enough to stand in your way. Upon reaching the cannon, you seize back Prince Leomin's flag and bear it aloft as you engage the fanatical horde.
Illustration XIX—You lead a bold charge against the Shom'zaa Agarashi horde.
Shom'zaa Agarashi (assault group): COMBAT SKILL 48 ENDURANCE 42
This enemy is immune to all forms of psychic attack.
If you win the combat, turn to 200.
Reflexively you raise your arms to protect your head from the cascading rocks, but your instinctive reaction is not enough to save you. With a terrifying swiftness, the roof of the tunnel caves in and you are crushed to death beneath a thousand tons of falling granite.
Tragically, your life and your quest end here.
Now that the creature is no longer a threat, you turn away from the scorching heat that is radiating from its ashes, and you begin to explore this mysterious treasure chamber.
The walls of the vault are decorated with murals that glorify the Goddess Ishir. Great carved tables, heaped with dusty gems and ingots of precious metal, form a circle around a golden statue of the goddess which stands upon a crystal dais in the middle of the chamber. Resting against the dais are several ancient artefacts of special value. Three of these items in particular catch your eye:
Korlinium Chainmail Vest (This Special Item can be worn beneath your tunic. It adds +2 to your COMBAT SKILL.)
Drodarin Bag of Holding (This Backpack Item can be used to store five additional Backpack Items, although the Bag itself occupies only one space.)
‘Sunderer’ (This Drodarin battle-axe is a Special Item. In combat against any enemy it will give you a bonus of +5 to your COMBAT SKILL. You may use this magical axe as an alternative to your existing Kai Weapon.)
If you choose to take and keep any of the above Special Items, make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart.
To continue, turn to 95.
The Sun-crystal hits the rocky tip of the stalagmite and is deflected away from Shom'zaa's head. Your heart sinks as you watch the glowing crystal bounce off a cluster of grey egg sacs, and then splash into the shallow slime that covers the floor.
You are gripped by the sudden fear that you may have lost the only weapon capable of destroying Shom'zaa, and hurriedly you leap off the stone ramp and race to
retrieve it. Your Kai Sixth Sense guides you directly to its location, but as you pluck it from the slime and turn to face Shom'zaa's hiding place, suddenly you recall Lord Rimoah's words of warning. You must not be too close to the creature when the Sun-crystal touches his body, or you will risk being consumed when the crystal's energy is released.
The memory of his wise words makes you pause and reconsider your actions. You focus on the stalagmite, now little more than 10 feet away, and you sense that something is very wrong. You look again, and the glimpse that you can see of Shom'zaa's head begins to shimmer and fade. Your throat tightens when you realize that you have been duped by an illusion. As you turn back towards the ramp, you are suddenly struck in the back by a terrific force.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 24.
If it is 5–9, turn to 91.
You leave the farm and trek across five fields of barley before you come to the far side of this titanic cavern. Several cart tracks converge at the approach to a wide stone ramp that ascends to the mouth of an unguarded tunnel in the cavern wall. You climb the ramp and, as you enter this torchlit tunnel, you discover a number of broken weapons lying discarded on the ground. Among them you find 1 Arrow and a Sword that are still serviceable. (If you decide to keep them, adjust your Action Chart accordingly.)