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The Fall of Blood Mountain Page 18

  You follow the tunnel for several hundred yards until you come to a junction where a smaller passageway leads off to the right. A stone plaque that once indicated the name of this passage lies smashed in pieces. You are trying to put the pieces back together when suddenly you hear the sound of Brozal riders approaching along the main tunnel. Quickly you move into the shadowy passageway and use your camouflage skills to hide there as you wait for the riders to pass.

  While you are waiting, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 283.


  You are within a dozen yards of the barricade when an arrow hits you in the back and pitches you forward onto your face: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 41.


  Despite your forewarnings and the precautions you have taken, the creature on the platform sees you moving towards the barrels, and it emits a hellish shriek. A fiery pain wells up inside your skull as this servant of Shom'zaa directs a powerful stream of destructive psychic energy into your mind.

  If you possess Kai-screen, turn to 32.

  If you do not, turn to 342.


  You say the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and level your right arm at the Shom'zaa commander. A crackling bolt of blue-white flame leaps from your fingertips and arcs towards the creature with deadly accuracy. The bolt strikes the commander in the head, felling it before it can launch its second blast of frigid energy. Its shattered body falls to the ground and is instantly trampled under the feet of its slavering horde.

  To continue, turn to 244.


  You drag yourself painfully to your feet and stumble along the cobwebbed passage. In the distance, you glimpse the opening to a chamber that is crowded with objects that glitter enticingly in the half-light. When you magnify your vision, you realize with some amazement that you are running towards a secret Drodarin treasure vault.

  The sound of falling masonry alerts you to a renewed danger: the creature is attempting to pursue you. Chunks of crumbling plaster are being dislodged from the walls as the creature forces its bloated body along the narrow passageway.

  If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, turn to 223.

  If you do not, turn to 166.


  You take an Arrow from your Quiver and grip it tightly by the flighted end. Then you whisper the words of the Old Kingdom Spell Flameshaft and a blue flame ignites at its steel tip. As soon as the way is clear, you leap out from behind the shield and dash towards the cannon, with the burning arrow held before you at arm's length.

  The Agarashi commander sees you breaking cover; it halts and turns. Then, with a disdainful laugh, it raises its clawed hand and takes careful aim at your fleeing form.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 4 or lower, turn to 289.

  If it is 5 or higher, turn to 175.


  As you speed towards the jagged granite reef, you twist your body around and kick out with the soles of your booted feet in a desperate attempt to avoid being impaled upon these deadly rocks.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your current ENDURANCE points score is 25 or higher, add 1 to the number you have picked. If your ENDURANCE score is 12 or lower, deduct 2.

  If your total score is now 3 or lower, turn to 199.

  If it is 4–7, turn to 171.

  If it is 8 or higher, turn to 137.


  You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand and take aim with your right arm at the lizard-faced creature. A tingle of energy runs down your arm and a flash of blue light explodes from your fingertips. A bolt of electrical power surges from your hand and hits the beast in the torso, hurling it backwards to the ground. As it falls, it strikes its head on a protruding rock and is knocked unconscious.

  Its followers freeze in their tracks and look to their fallen leader with shocked surprise. When he fails to rise, they are gripped by a sudden panic that makes them drop their weapons and run. You seize this chance to break cover and race towards the pit shaft at the base of the quarry's north wall.

  Turn to 17.


  The creature suddenly stops in mid-stride and turns towards Prince Leomin. As its crushing feet tread a slow, deliberate path towards the prince's head, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon and rush forward in a desperate attempt to halt the creature's advance.


  This being is immune to all psychic attacks. If the Kai Weapon you wield is ‘Magnara’, you will benefit from the bonus gained due to its unique properties.

  If you win the combat, turn to 74.


  You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell Strength and as it begins to take effect, you feel an invigorating surge of power flowing through every muscle of your body. Electrified by this energy, you take hold of the tomb's lid and force it aside. There is a loud Crack! as the seal of grime is broken; then a flood of golden light washes over you when you swing the lid aside and tip it over onto the floor.

  With a growing sense of awe, you take hold of the golden warhammer and raise it aloft. You admire its finely-crafted lines and perfect balance, and you sense that it was forged by magical fires.

  Illustration XX—Filled with awe, you take hold of the golden warhammer and hold it aloft.

  If you wish to keep the Andarin Warhammer, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. In combat against any enemy it will give you a bonus of +5 to your COMBAT SKILL. You may use this magical warhammer as an alternative to your Kai Weapon.

  To continue, turn to 230.


  Rapidly the pressure builds in your head until your skull feels fit to burst. Your vision is clouded by a scarlet haze, and you are unable to stifle a cry of pain as you collapse to your knees: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  Desperately you struggle to erect a defensive wall around the core of your mind, using your power of Psi-screen. Slowly, as your mental defences lock together, the pain eases and your vision clears. Through the receding red mist you see a group of Shom'zaa Agarashi closing in on you with their swords drawn. You force yourself to stand, and you unsheathe your Kai Weapon just in time to meet their determined attack.

  Shom'zaa Agarashi: COMBAT SKILL 40 ENDURANCE 30

  If you win this combat in three rounds or less, turn to 65.

  If you win the combat in four rounds or longer, turn to 189.


  The icy bolt hits the wall of hot air and explodes in a great cloud of steam. Your effective use of Kai Elementalism to counter the icy blast shocks the Shom'zaa commander. His nerve breaks and he turns and flees, with his minions following closely on his heels. Soon they have disappeared from sight and a deathly silence descends upon the tunnel.

  If you wish to search the bodies that are lying in this tunnel, turn to 144.

  If you choose to explore the tunnel further, turn to 160.


  You press your back against the door and recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell Strength. As the spell takes effect, you feel an invigorating surge of power flowing through every sinew of your body. Energized by this magical power, you lean back and press with all your might to keep the portal shut. There is another blow on the door, but it fails to shift you. Then you feel the surface temperature of the portal is changing; it is getting hotter.

  If you possess Grand Nexus, turn to 227.

  If you do not, turn to 173.


  Your killing blow pitches the Shom'zaa lancer out of its saddle and sends its lifeless body tumbling into the wheat, trailing a stream of black ichor. As its steed flees through the tall crops, you notice a bulb-like object fall from its saddlebag. You take a closer look and discover that it is an unexploded
Phosphor Bomb. (If you wish to keep this item, record it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.) Then you hear the sound of the other riders approaching, and quickly you dive into the tall crops and hurry away towards the north to avoid them.

  After a few minutes, when you can no longer hear the lancers crashing through the wheat, you begin to feel confident that they have lost your trail for good. You have just crossed into an adjoining crop of barley when suddenly a barrier of piercing light erupts in front of you as first one explosion and then two more detonate among the plants. In a desperate attempt to flush you out, the riders are hurling phosphor bombs into the fields. Within seconds the tinder-dry crops are ablaze, fanned by a stiff breeze. You retreat to the wheat field to avoid the roaring flames but, as you retrace your steps, your Sixth Sense tells you that you are being forced back into a trap.

  If you wish to continue retreating into the wheat field to avoid the approaching fire, turn to 194.

  If you wish to try to pass through the wall of fire and reach the safety of the barley fields beyond, turn to 42.


  As you run towards the archway, you shape your mouth in readiness to utter the Old Kingdom power-word: Gloar! The force of your spell-word punches a hole in their ranks, sending those in the middle cartwheeling backwards into the chamber beyond. Before the survivors can rally themselves and seal the gap, you charge through and sprint towards the throne chamber barricade.

  Turn to 135.


  Before you attempt to reach the exit from this cavern, you draw upon your Magnakai Invisibility skills to help reduce the risk of being observed by the surrounding Shom'zaa minions.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 6 or lower, turn to 186.

  If it is 7 or higher, turn to 62.


  An icy blast from the creature's claw collides with your lightning bolt in mid-air and deflects it from the target. Then it turns and shrieks to a group of Shom'zaa Agarashi, and immediately they close in on you with their swords drawn. You unsheathe your Kai Weapon and steel yourself to meet their determined advance.

  Shom'zaa Agarashi: COMBAT SKILL 40 ENDURANCE 32

  If you win this combat in three rounds or less, turn to 65.

  If you win the combat in four rounds or longer, turn to 189.


  You use your Magnakai healing skills to staunch the flow of blood as you recoil from the deadly rocks. Then you are caught by the cold water currents of the deeper channel. They swirl you around and wash you up onto a shingle bank.

  To continue, turn to 290.


  A special escort is provided for you and Lord Rimoah. In the company of Prince Torfan, you are taken by carriage to the Grand Hall where a magnificent reception awaits you. Formally you are presented to King Ryvin and you receive his praise and heartfelt thanks for the victory you have secured for his beleaguered kingdom. You return to him the Andarin Bloodstone, and he awards to you the Cross of Boradon — the highest accolade for courage and gallantry in the Kingdom of Bor. During the informal celebrations that take place shortly afterwards, you are further awarded the freedom of Bor and the honorary rank and title of War-thane — a rare privilege for one not born of Drodarin stock. (Erase the Andarin Bloodstone from your Action Chart.)

  After a day of rest, you and Lord Rimoah make a triumphant return to Sommerlund aboard Cloud-dancer. The news of your victory has travelled ahead of you and your arrival at the monastery is greeted by the appreciative cheers of your fellow kinsmen. For your triumph over Shom'zaa, and the preservation of the Throne of Andarin, you receive special praise and admiration from Supreme Master Lone Wolf himself.

  Congratulations, Grand Master. You have met this testing quest and you have triumphed. Your brave and courageous actions in Bor will long be remembered in the legends of the New Order Kai. Yet the fight against Evil has not yet ended. Soon your courage and Kai skills will be put to the test again, in a distant realm of Magnamund. The nature of the quest and the dangers that await you will be revealed in the next exciting Lone Wolf New Order adventure entitled:


  Numbered Sections

  1-10: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  11-20: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

  21-30: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

  31-40: 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

  41-50: 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

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  91-100: 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

  101-110: 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110

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  121-130: 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130

  131-140: 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140

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  161-170: 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170

  171-180: 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180

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  191-200: 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200

  201-210: 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210

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  241-250: 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250

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  311-320: 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320

  321-330: 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330

  331-340: 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340

  341-350: 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350

  The Kingdom of Bor and Surrounding Territories

  Action Chart

  Combat Rules Summary

  Add your COMBAT SKILL to any bonus points given to you by your Kai Weapon, Special Items, or Grand Master Disciplines.

  Subtract the COMBAT SKILL of your enemy from this total. This number = Combat Ratio.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  Turn to the Combat Results Table.

  Find your Combat Ratio along the top of the chart and cross-reference to the random number you have picked. (E indicates loss of ENDURANCE points to Enemy. GM indicates loss of ENDURANCE points to yourself.)

  Continue the combat from Stage 3 until one character is dead. This is when the ENDURANCE points of either character falls to 0 or below.

  To Evade Combat

  You may only do this when the text of the adventure offers you the opportunity.

  You undertake one round of combat in the usual way. All points lost by the enemy are ignored; only you lose the ENDURANCE points.

  If the book offers the chance of taking evasive action in place of combat, it can be taken in the first or any subsequent round (unless specifically stated otherwise).

  Combat Results Table

  Random Number Table



  We have taken our unique opportunity to correct errors and to enforce a standard of English usage. We list our changes here. If you see anything that needs correction, please contact the Project Aon Staff.


  (Title Page) Replaced ‘THE FALL OF BLOOD MOUNTAIN’ with ‘The Fall of Blood Mountain’.

  (The Story so Far … ) Replaced each occurrence of ‘Sun-Crystal’ with �
��Sun-crystal’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘elite’ with ‘élite’. Added a paragraph break before ‘Following the demise’. Replaced ‘monastery of the Kai’ with ‘Monastery of the Kai’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘Plain of Darkness’ with ‘Plane of Darkness’. Replaced ‘supreme Disciplines’ with ‘Supreme Master Disciplines’. Replaced ‘treeline’ with ‘tree-line’. Replaced ‘the Monastery’ with ‘the monastery’. Replaced ‘Kai lords’ with ‘Kai Lords’. Replaced ‘milleniums’ with ‘millennia’. Split Rimoah's speech beginning with ‘Yes, my Lord’ into a new paragraph. Replaced ‘my Lords’ with ‘my lords’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘my Lord’ with ‘my lord’. Replaced ‘I will’ you’ with ‘I will,’ you’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘Dwarven allies’ with ‘dwarven allies’. Replaced ‘Darklord armies’ with ‘Darkland armies’. Replaced ‘King's army’ with ‘King's Army’. Replaced ‘able muster’ with ‘able to muster’. Replaced ‘First Order of the Kai were’ with ‘First Order of the Kai was’. Replaced ‘after all; it had’ with ‘after all: it had’. Replaced ‘1,000-year-war’ with ‘1,000-year war’. Replaced ‘throne chamber of Bor’ with ‘Throne Chamber of Bor’. Replaced ‘War Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’. Replaced ‘MS5084’ with ‘MS 5084’. Replaced ‘MS5063’ with ‘MS 5063’. Replaced ‘MS5077’ with ‘MS 5077’.