The Fall of Blood Mountain Page 20
(121) Replaced ‘Sun-Crystal’ with ‘Sun-crystal’.
(123) Replaced ‘clang’ with ‘clang’.
(125) Replaced ‘grievious’ with ‘grievous’.
(126) Replaced ‘seige’ with ‘siege’. Replaced ‘wheels, and observe’ with ‘wheels and observe’. Replaced ‘snaps and you’ with ‘snaps, and you’.
(127) Replaced ‘battle cry’ with ‘battle-cry’ in the illustration caption. Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’.
(129) Replaced ‘Kai lord’ with ‘Kai Lord’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘the Shom'zaa horde attempt to’ with ‘the Shom'zaa horde attempts to’.
(131) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(132) Replaced ‘clang’ with ‘clang’.
(134) Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’.
(135) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(143) Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’.
(144) Replaced ‘approriate’ with ‘appropriate’. Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’.
(145) Replaced ‘your backpack’ with ‘your Backpack’.
(146) Replaced ‘drop your bow’ with ‘shoulder your Bow’. Replaced ‘arrows’ with ‘Arrows’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘Weapons List’ with ‘Action Chart’.
(152) Replaced ‘jug’ with ‘Jug of Vinegar’. Replaced ‘and and’ with ‘and’. Replaced ‘current, then’ with ‘current; then’.
(153) Replaced ‘Kai Grand Guardian’ with ‘Kai Grand Guardian or higher’. Replaced ‘Assimilance, and’ with ‘Assimilance and’. Replaced ‘Assimilance, but’ with ‘Assimilance but’.
(154) Replaced ‘rockface’ with ‘rock-face’. Replaced ‘Sun-Crystal’ with ‘Sun-crystal’. Replaced ‘Bow, or’ with ‘Bow, nor’. Replaced ‘Leomin; it’ with ‘Leomin: it’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’.
(155) Replaced ‘If you possess Assimilance’ with ‘As you possess Assimilance’ since you must possess Assimilance to reach this section.
(157) Replaced ‘strong psychic, and some magical, abilities’ with ‘strong psychic and some magical abilities’.
(158) Replaced ‘odd (1,3,5,7,9)’ with ‘odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9)’. Replaced ‘even (2,4,6,8,0)’ with ‘even (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0)’.
(159) Replaced ‘halfway though’ with ‘halfway through’.
(161) Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’.
(162) Replaced ‘clearing, then’ with ‘clearing, and then’. Replaced ‘wheatfields’ with ‘wheat fields’.
(163) Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’.
(164) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom battle-spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Battle-spell’. Removed the dash preceding ‘Flameshaft’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘quiver, so you’ with ‘Quiver, you’. Replaced ‘add 3’ with ‘remember to add 3’.
(165) Replaced ‘arrows’ with ‘Arrows’. Replaced ‘quiver’ with ‘Quiver’. Replaced ‘from your quiver and any’ with ‘from your Quiver (if you possess this Special Item). Also erase any’. Replaced ‘list of Backpack Items’ with ‘list of Backpack Items (if you possess any)’.
(166) Replaced ‘gas, then’ with ‘gas; then’. Replaced ‘whoosh’ with ‘whoosh’.
(167) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’. Replaced ‘sheath’ with ‘sheathe’.
(168) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’.
(170) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘Telegnosis, and’ with ‘Telegnosis and’.
(173) Replaced ‘veined body, and waxy’ with ‘veined body and waxy’. Replaced ‘your backpack’ with ‘your Backpack’.
(174) Replaced ‘weapon's’ with ‘Weapon's’.
(175) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘wooshes’ with ‘whooshes’.
(178) Replaced ‘battle standard’ with ‘battle-standard’. Replaced ‘the Shom'zaa horde are returning’ with ‘the Shom'zaa horde is returning’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’. Replaced ‘War-Thane’ with ‘War-thane’.
(179) Replaced ‘battle-cry: ‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’ and’ with ‘battle-cry — ‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’ — and’.
(182) Replaced ‘like charging’ with ‘like a charging’. Replaced ‘Master Superior, or higher’ with ‘Master Superior or higher’. Replaced ‘and backpack’ with ‘and Backpack’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.
(183) Replaced ‘the first wave of the Shom'zaa horde reach’ with ‘the first wave of the Shom'zaa horde reaches’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’.
(184) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dash preceding ‘Lightning Hand’. Replaced ‘attained, above’ with ‘attained above’. Replaced ‘counter spell’ with ‘counterspell’.
(185) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘hidden, then’ with ‘hidden, and then’. Replaced ‘steel around the perimeter’ with ‘steal around the perimeter’.
(187) Replaced ‘jug of vinegar’ with ‘Jug of Vinegar’. Replaced ‘your backpack’ with ‘your Backpack’.
(188) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Removed the dash preceding ‘Shield’.
(189) Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.
(190) Replaced ‘Sun-Crystal’ with ‘Sun-crystal’. Replaced ‘battle wounds’ with ‘battle-wounds’. Replaced ‘their armour, and the’ with ‘their armour and the’.
(194) Replaced ‘view, then’ with ‘view; then’. Replaced ‘Bardsmanship, and’ with ‘Bardsmanship and’.
(195) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Invisible Fist’. Replaced ‘arm, then’ with ‘arm, and then’.
(196) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘if the combat lasts’ with ‘If you win the combat in’.
(197) Replaced ‘battle armour’ with ‘battle-armour’.
(198) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘who are’ with ‘that are’.
(200) Replaced ‘war horn’ with ‘war-horn’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’.
(201) Replaced ‘rockface’ with ‘rock-face’.
(202) Replaced ‘elite’ with ‘élite’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’.
(203) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Lightning Hand’.
(204) Replaced ‘Korlinium’ with ‘korlinium’.
(205) Replaced ‘as one, then three more, explosions detonate’ with ‘as first one explosion and then three more detonate’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘wheatfield’ with ‘wheat field’.
(206) Replaced ‘Grand Defender, or higher’ with ‘Grand Defender or higher’.
(207) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Lightning Hand’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’.
(208) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘If the combat lasts’ with ‘If you win the combat in’.
(209) Replaced ‘Sun-Crystal’ with ‘Sun-crystal’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘probiscus’ with ‘proboscis’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘Kai-screen, and’ with ‘Kai-screen and’. Replaced ‘Bardsmanship, and’ wit
h ‘Bardsmanship and’. Replaced ‘approach to the edge’ with ‘approach the edge’.
(210) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’.
(211) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(212) Replaced ‘If you not’ with ‘If you do not’. Replaced ‘Bow, or’ with ‘Bow, nor’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’.
(213) Replaced ‘clang’ with ‘clang’.
(215) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dash preceding ‘Net’. Replaced ‘gluing’ with ‘glueing’. Replaced ‘Hurriedly you drop your bow and reach to your Kai Weapon’ with ‘Hurriedly you reach to your Kai Weapon’ since you may only arrive here if you opted not to use a Bow in Section 222.
(218) Removed quotation marks from around the thought-speech.
(219) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Removed the dash preceding ‘Shield’.
(220) Replaced ‘Korlinium’ with ‘korlinium’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘back the’ with ‘back to’.
(221) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘your backpack’ with ‘your Backpack’. Replaced ‘Nexus, and’ with ‘Nexus and’.
(222) Replaced ‘drawbolt’ with ‘bolt’. Replaced ‘Bow nor’ with ‘Bow, nor’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’.
(223) Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(225) Replaced ‘as one, then three more, explosions detonate’ with ‘as first one explosion and then three more detonate’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘wheatfield’ with ‘wheat field’.
(226) Replaced ‘scabbard, then’ with ‘scabbard; then’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’.
(228) Replaced ‘realise’ with ‘realize’. Replaced ‘who are’ with ‘that are’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.
(230) Replaced ‘War-Thane’ with ‘War-thane’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’.
(231) Replaced ‘clang’ with ‘clang’.
(232) Replaced ‘Crack!,’ with ‘Crack!’.
(233) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Invisible Fist’.
(235) Replaced ‘Backpack Items list’ with ‘list of Backpack Items’. Replaced ‘and backpack’ with ‘and Backpack’.
(236) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(237) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(238) Replaced ‘quiver’ with ‘Quiver’.
(240) Replaced ‘Sun-Crystal’ with ‘Sun-crystal’.
(241) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(242) Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’.
(243) Replaced ‘bow and Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Bow and Magi-magic, and’. Replaced ‘Kai Grand Guardian’ with ‘Kai Grand Guardian or higher’. Replaced ‘this skill, or’ with ‘this Weapon or this skill, or’.
(244) Replaced ‘the first wave of the Shom'zaa horde reach’ with ‘the first wave of the Shom'zaa horde reaches’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’.
(245) Replaced ‘veined body, and waxy’ with ‘veined body and waxy’.
(246) Replaced ‘vision, then’ with ‘vision; then’.
(247) Replaced ‘passage, then’ with ‘passage; then’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’.
(248) Replaced ‘clearing, then’ with ‘clearing, and then’. Replaced ‘wheatfields’ with ‘wheat fields’.
(250) Replaced ‘ante-room’ with ‘anteroom’. Replaced ‘item, this’ with ‘item or this’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘Kai Grand Guardian, and’ with ‘Kai Grand Guardian or higher, and’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’. Replaced ‘Bomb, and’ with ‘Bomb and’. Replaced ‘or have’ with ‘or if you have’.
(251) Replaced ‘who are’ with ‘that are’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.
(253) Replaced ‘irridescent’ with ‘iridescent’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’.
(256) Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(257) Replaced ‘veined body, and waxy’ with ‘veined body and waxy’.
(258) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘Pathsmanship, and’ with ‘Pathsmanship and’. Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’.
(259) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom battle-spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Battle-spell’. Removed the dash preceding ‘Flameshaft’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘quiver, so you’ with ‘Quiver, you’. Replaced ‘add 3’ with ‘remember to add 3’.
(261) Replaced ‘membraneous’ with ‘membranous’.
(262) Replaced ‘odd (1,3,5,7,9)’ with ‘odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9)’. Replaced ‘even (0,2,4,6,8)’ with ‘even (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0)’. Replaced ‘shoulder-blade’ with ‘shoulder blade’.
(263) Replaced each occurrence of ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘wheels, and observe’ with ‘wheels and observe’. Replaced ‘snaps and you’ with ‘snaps, and you’.
(264) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Strength’.
(267) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘Kai Grand Guardian’ with ‘Kai Grand Guardian or higher’. Replaced ‘Kai-screen, and’ with ‘Kai-screen and’.
(268) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dash preceding ‘Lightning Hand’. Replaced ‘attained, above’ with ‘attained above’. Replaced ‘counter spell’ with ‘counterspell’.
(269) Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Removed the dash preceding ‘Shield’.
(270) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(271) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’.
(272) Replaced ‘Sun-Crystal’ with ‘Sun-crystal’. Replaced ‘midstep’ with ‘mid-step’.
(273) Replaced ‘Bow, or’ with ‘Bow, nor’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’.
(277) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘Kai Grand Master Superior’ with ‘Kai Grand Master Superior or higher’. Replaced ‘Assimilance, and’ with ‘Assimilance and’.
(280) Replaced ‘Kai lord’ with ‘Kai Lord’. Replaced ‘crossbolts’ with ‘crossbow bolts’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘2 or less’ with ‘20 or less’. Replaced ‘the Shom'zaa horde attempt to’ with ‘the Shom'zaa horde attempts to’.
(282) Added ‘If the Kai Weapon you wield is “Magnara”, you will benefit from the bonus gained due to its unique properties.’
(283) Replaced ‘surface and the portal’ with ‘surface, and the portal’.
(284) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dash preceding ‘Counterspell’. Replaced ‘seige’ with ‘siege’. Replaced ‘wheels, and observe’ with ‘wheels and observe’. Replaced ‘snaps and you’ with ‘snaps, and you’.
(285) Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’. Replaced ‘weapon’ wit
h ‘Weapon’.
(288) Replaced ‘veined body, and waxy’ with ‘veined body and waxy’.
(289) Replaced each occurrence of ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘wooshes’ with ‘whooshes’. Replaced ‘Kai Grand Guardian’ with ‘Kai Grand Guardian or higher’. Replaced ‘Kai-surge, and’ with ‘Kai-surge and’.
(291) Replaced ‘fire, then’ with ‘fire, and then’.
(292) Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’.
(293) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘senses you and it’ with ‘senses you, and it’. Replaced ‘If the combat lasts’ with ‘If you win the combat in’.
(294) Replaced ‘Throne Chamber’ with ‘Throne Chamber of Andarin’ to standardise the capitalisation.
(295) Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.
(298) Replaced ‘jug’ with ‘Jug of Vinegar’.
(299) Replaced ‘Kai axe’ with ‘Kai Axe’. Replaced ‘(evade), by’ with ‘(evade) by’.
(300) Replaced ‘wheatfield’ with ‘wheat field’.
(301) Replaced ‘membraneous’ with ‘membranous’.
(303) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dash preceding ‘Counterspell’.
(304) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.
(310) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Lightning Hand’. Replaced ‘Crack!,’ with ‘Crack!’.
(311) Replaced ‘you fall, and bruise’ with ‘you fall and bruise’.
(312) Replaced ‘clang’ with ‘clang’.
(313) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’.
(314) Replaced each occurrence of ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘wheels, and observe’ with ‘wheels and observe’. Replaced ‘snaps and you’ with ‘snaps, and you’.
(315) Replaced ‘wall, then’ with ‘wall, and then’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’.
(318) Replaced ‘minerals, wells’ with ‘minerals, and wells’.
(319) Replaced ‘Grand Defender, or higher’ with ‘Grand Defender or higher’. Replaced ‘Deliverance, and’ with ‘Deliverance and’.