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The Fall of Blood Mountain Page 19

  (The Game Rules) Removed ‘that you will find in the front of this book. For ease of use, and for further adventuring, it is recommended that you photocopy these pages’. Removed ‘on the last page of this book’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘ie’ with ‘i.e.’. Replaced ‘fall to zero’ with ‘fall to zero or below’. Replaced ‘fall to zero’ with ‘fall to zero or below’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’. Replaced ‘weapons and’ with ‘weapons, and’. Replaced ‘normal weapons’ with ‘normal Weapons’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’ with ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’. Replaced ‘New Order adventure’ with ‘New Order adventure’.

  (Your Kai Name) Replaced ‘elite’ with ‘élite’. Deleted ‘You can record your personal Kai name on the book plate which appears on the inside front cover of this book.’.

  (New Order Disciplines) Replaced ‘venoms and’ with ‘venoms, and’. Replaced ‘symbols and’ with ‘symbols, and’. Replaced ‘COMBAT SKILL is reduced’ with ‘ENDURANCE is reduced’. Replaced ‘Magi-Magic’ with ‘Magi-magic’. Replaced ‘Old Kingdom battle magic’ with ‘Old Kingdom battle-magic’. Replaced ‘magi-magic spells’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spells’. Replaced ‘individual (or combinations of) elements that are available,’ with ‘individual elements that are available, or combinations thereof,’. Replaced ‘remove or’ with ‘remove, or’. Replaced ‘eg’ with ‘e.g.’. Replaced ‘dialect and’ with ‘dialect, and’. Replaced ‘Weapon and’ with ‘Weapon, and’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘earth, air, fire, and water’ with ‘Earth, Air, Fire, and Water’. Replaced ‘1 to 3’ with ‘one to three’. Replaced ‘ guild of magicians’ with ‘Guild of Magicians’. Replaced ‘For every adventure that you complete successfully in the New Order series, you will gain proficiency with one additional weapon.’ with ‘For every adventure that you complete successfully in the New Order series while possessing the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery, you will gain proficiency with one additional weapon.’. Replaced ‘battle wounds’ with ‘battle-wounds’. Added ‘ If you have chosen the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery as one of your skills, you will not need to tick off a Meal when instructed to eat.’ to the section on Grand Huntmastery. Replaced ‘fortresses increases’ with ‘fortresses increase’. Replaced ‘Duration of the spirit-walk, and the protection afforded to his inanimate body, increases’ with ‘Duration of the spirit-walk and the protection afforded to his in animate body increase’. Replaced ‘predictions increases’ with ‘predictions increase’. Replaced ‘will be of use’ with ‘may be of use’. Added ‘If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 5 points to any number you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.’ from the Equipment section. Replaced ‘EQUIPMENT’ with ‘Equipment’. Replaced ‘undertaken then’ with ‘undertaken, then’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf (New Order) series’ with ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘New Order series’ with ‘New Order series’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘New Order adventure’ with ‘New Order adventure’. Replaced ‘any other Special Items that’ with ‘any other Special Items and Backpack Items that’.

  (Equipment) Replaced each occurrence of ‘Lone Wolf’ with ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series. Replaced ‘eg,’ with ‘e.g.’. Replaced ‘combat, therefore’ with ‘combat; therefore’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘quiver’ with ‘Quiver’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrows’ with ‘Arrows’. Deleted ‘(see the inside front cover of this book)’. Added a paragraph about Gold Crowns to the section ‘Equipment — How to use it’. Replaced ‘have to your’ with ‘have on your’. Replaced ‘Grand Weaponmastery with a Bow’ with ‘Grand Weaponmastery with Bow’. Replaced ‘a sword or an axe’ with ‘a Sword or an Axe’. Replaced ‘weapons’ with ‘Weapons’. Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’. Deleted ‘If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, you may add 3 points to any number you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow.’. Replaced ‘record these on your Weapons List’ with ‘record these on your Action Chart’ for clarity. Replaced ‘the total sum of’ with ‘the number of’. Replaced ‘Disciplines then’ with ‘Disciplines, then’. Replaced ‘normal weapons’ with ‘normal Weapons’. Replaced ‘New Order adventures’ with ‘New Order adventures’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’ in the ‘Equipment — How to Use It’ section. Added ‘You may only use one Weapon at a time in combat.’ in harmony with the recent Mongoose Publishing edition.

  (Kai Weapons) Replaced ‘elite’ with ‘élite’. Replaced ‘new-found’ with ‘newfound’. Deleted ‘at the front of the book’. Replaced ‘magical Axe, Sword or Broadsword’ with ‘magical Axe, Sword, or Broadsword’. Replaced ‘axe “Alema”’ with ‘Axe “Alema”’.

  (Rules for Combat) Removed ‘on the inside back cover of this book’. Replaced ‘on the page after the Random Number Table’ with ‘in the back of this book’. Replaced ‘points reduced’ with ‘points possibly reduced’. Replaced ‘to zero’ with ‘to zero or below’. Replaced ‘at which point the one with the zero score is declared dead’ with ‘at which point that combatant is declared dead’. Replaced ‘sumary’ with ‘summary’.

  (Levels of New Order Grand Mastership) Removed parentheses from around ‘You begin the New Order adventures at this level of Kai Grand Mastery’. Replaced ‘rank and titles’ with ‘ranks and titles’. Replaced ‘New Order series’ with ‘New Order series’. Replaced ‘New Order adventures’ with ‘New Order adventures’.

  (Improved Grand Master Disciplines) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spells’ with ‘Brotherhood Spells’. Replaced ‘eg’ with ‘i.e.’. Replaced ‘Spear, etc)’ with ‘and Spear)’. Replaced ‘ie’ with ‘i.e.’. Replaced ‘ie’ with ‘e.g.’. Replaced ‘bolts, etc)’ with ‘bolts)’. Replaced ‘ ‘Improved Grand Master Disciplines’ ’ with ‘Improved Grand Master Disciplines’. Replaced ‘3 yards’ with ‘three yards’. Replaced ‘range and numbers of insects so affected increases’ with ‘range and number of insects so affected increase’. Replaced ‘mastery of’ with ‘Mastery of’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’ with ‘Lone Wolf New Order series’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf New Order books’ with ‘Lone Wolf New Order books’. Replaced ‘an enemy in unarmed combat’ with ‘an enemy’ in harmony with the Mongoose Publishing editions. Replaced ‘full effect, using’ with ‘full effect using’.

  (New Order Wisdom) Replaced ‘gods’ with ‘Gods’. Italicised ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series. Replaced ‘New Order adventure’ with ‘New Order adventure’.

  (1) Replaced each occurrence of ‘Sun-Crystal’ with ‘Sun-crystal’. Replaced ‘artifact’ with ‘artefact’. Replaced ‘mountain of blood’ with ‘Mountain of Blood’. Replaced ‘14 hours’ with ‘fourteen hours’. Replaced ‘their long history and’ with ‘their long history, and’.

  (3) Replaced ‘Crack!,’ with ‘Crack!’.

  (4) Replaced ‘wheatfields’ with ‘wheat fields’.

  (5) Italicised ‘Mindblend’.

  (7) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Lightning Hand’. Replaced ‘halfway though’ with ‘halfway through’.

  (8) Replaced ‘knocked the’ with ‘knocked to the’. Replaced ‘the first wave of the Shom'zaa horde reach’ with ‘the first wave of the Shom'zaa horde reaches’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’.

  (10) Replaced ‘elementalism’ with ‘Elementalism’. Replaced ‘priming power’ with ‘priming powder’.

  (11) Replaced ‘steeply sloping’ with ‘steeply-sloping’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.

  (12) Replaced ‘naively’ with ‘naïvely’.

  (13) Replaced ‘Huriedly’ with ‘Hurriedly’. Replaced ‘gas, then’ with ‘gas; then’. Replaced ‘whoosh’ with ‘whoosh’.

14) Replaced ‘membraneous’ with ‘membranous’.

  (15) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘If you total’ with ‘If your total’.

  (18) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.

  (19) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘halfway though’ with ‘halfway through’.

  (21) Replaced ‘disc’ with ‘Bronze Disc’.

  (22) Replaced ‘cannon and’ with ‘cannon, and’. Replaced ‘Bow, or’ with ‘Bow, nor’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’.

  (23) Replaced ‘tinderbox’ with ‘Tinderbox’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘your backpack’ with ‘your Backpack’.

  (24) Replaced ‘DANGER!’ with ‘‘Danger!’’.

  (25) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘If the combat lasts’ with ‘If you win the combat in’.

  (27) Replaced ‘(evade), by’ with ‘(evade) by’.

  (29) Replaced ‘You dare not wait for the advancing horde to close in for, despite your formidable fighting skills, this enemy’ with ‘Despite your formidable fighting skills, you dare not wait for the advancing horde to close in, for this enemy’.

  (31) Replaced ‘the first wave of the Shom'zaa horde reach’ with ‘the first wave of the Shom'zaa horde reaches’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’.

  (32) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘Bow, and’ with ‘Bow and’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.

  (33) Replaced ‘rockface’ with ‘rock-face’. Replaced ‘encircles your basket’ with ‘encircle your basket’ in the illustration's caption.

  (34) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dash preceding ‘Strength’.

  (35) Replaced ‘irridescent’ with ‘iridescent’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘senses, and the lights of this glowing gemstone, both’ with ‘senses and the lights of this glowing gemstone both’.

  (36) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’.

  (41) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘10 Ain’ with ‘ten Ain’. Replaced ‘backpack; it’ with ‘Backpack: it’. Replaced ‘your backpack’ with ‘your Backpack’. Replaced ‘Throne Chamber’ with ‘Throne Chamber of Andarin’ to standardise the capitalisation. Replaced ‘War-Thane’ with ‘War-thane’.

  (45) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘If the combat lasts’ with ‘If you win the combat in’.

  (48) Replaced ‘odd (1,3,5,7,9)’ with ‘odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9)’. Replaced ‘even (2,4,6,8,0)’ with ‘even (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0)’.

  (50) Added ‘If the Kai Weapon you wield is “Magnara”, you will benefit from the bonus gained due to its unique properties.’

  (52) Replaced ‘irridescent’ with ‘iridescent’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘claw, then’ with ‘claw, and then’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.

  (55) Replaced ‘saddle, then’ with ‘saddle; then’. Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’.

  (57) Replaced ‘The horde hits the barricade’ with ‘The horde hit the barricade’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’.

  (59) Replaced ‘agonising’ with ‘agonizing’. Replaced ‘veined body, and waxy’ with ‘veined body and waxy’.

  (60) Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’.

  (61) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dash preceding ‘Counterspell’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’.

  (63) Replaced each occurrence of ‘Korlinium’ with ‘korlinium’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’.

  (64) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Sense Evil’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.

  (65) Replaced ‘despatch’ with ‘dispatch’. Replaced ‘seige’ with ‘siege’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘shockwave’ with ‘shock wave’. Replaced ‘wheels, and observe’ with ‘wheels and observe’. Replaced ‘snaps and you’ with ‘snaps, and you’.

  (66) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.

  (67) Replaced ‘50 dwarves’ with ‘fifty dwarves’.

  (68) Replaced ‘Grand Defender, or higher’ with ‘Grand Defender or higher’. Replaced ‘Deliverance, and’ with ‘Deliverance and’.

  (69) Replaced ‘Master Superior, or higher’ with ‘Master Superior or higher’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.

  (71) Replaced ‘naively’ with ‘naïvely’.

  (73) Replaced ‘Vinegar and’ with ‘Vinegar, and’.

  (74) Replaced each occurrence of ‘Sun-Crystal’ with ‘Sun-crystal’. Replaced ‘Shom'zaa hideous’ with ‘Shom'zaa's hideous’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’. Replaced ‘Kai curing’ with ‘Magnakai Curing’.

  (75) Replaced ‘seige’ with ‘siege’. Replaced ‘Kai mastery’ with ‘Kai Mastery’. Replaced ‘wheels, and observe’ with ‘wheels and observe’. Replaced ‘snaps and you’ with ‘snaps, and you’.

  (76) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Levitation’.

  (79) Replaced ‘halfway though’ with ‘halfway through’.

  (82) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘sixth sense’ with ‘Sixth Sense’.

  (83) Replaced ‘Kai Grand Defender, and’ with ‘Kai Grand Defender or higher, and’. Replaced ‘Kai Grand Guardian, and’ with ‘Kai Grand Guardian or higher, and’.

  (84) Replaced ‘bomb’ with ‘Phosphor Bomb’. Replaced ‘your backpack’ with ‘your Backpack’.

  (86) Replaced ‘sleep, then’ with ‘sleep; then’. Replaced ‘veined body, and waxy’ with ‘veined body and waxy’.

  (88) Replaced ‘the the’ with ‘the’.

  (91) Replaced ‘DANGER!’ with ‘‘Danger!’’.

  (92) Replaced ‘wheatfield’ with ‘wheat field’.

  (94) Replaced ‘agonising’ with ‘agonizing’.

  (95) Replaced ‘impassible’ with ‘impassable’.

  (96) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Net’. Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘who are’ with ‘that are’.

  (97) Replaced each occurrence of ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘wheels, and observe’ with ‘wheels and observe’. Replaced ‘snaps and you’ with ‘snaps, and you’.

  (99) Replaced ‘half way though’ with ‘halfway through’. Replaced ‘veined body, and waxy’ with ‘veined body and waxy’.

  (100) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘battle standard’ with ‘battle-standard’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’. Replaced ‘Kai-surge, and’ with ‘Kai-surge and’.

  (101) Replaced ‘Brotherhood spell’ with ‘Brotherhood Spell’. Removed the dashes around ‘Sense Evil’. Replaced ‘Korlinium’ with ‘korlinium’.

  (102) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.

  (103) Replaced ‘steeply sloping’ with ‘steeply-sloping’. Replaced ‘your backpack’ with ‘your Backpack’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.

  (105) Replaced ‘agarashi’ wit
h ‘Agarashi’.

  (106) Replaced ‘halfway though’ with ‘halfway through’.

  (108) Replaced ‘backs, then’ with ‘backs, and then’.

  (109) Replaced ‘Kai lord’ with ‘Kai Lord’. Replaced ‘Old Kingdom spell’ with ‘Old Kingdom Spell’. Replaced ‘tip-toes’ with ‘tiptoes’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘sound, then’ with ‘sound, and then’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’. Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’.

  (110) Replaced ‘broken, then’ with ‘broken, and then’.

  (111) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘If the combat lasts’ with ‘If you win the combat in’.

  (112) Replaced ‘current, then’ with ‘current; then’. Replaced ‘weapon’ with ‘Weapon’. Replaced ‘weapons’ with ‘Weapons’.

  (113) Replaced ‘battle frenzy’ with ‘battle-frenzy’.

  (114) Replaced ‘Crack!,’ with ‘Crack!’.

  (116) Replaced ‘cannon and’ with ‘cannon, and’. Replaced ‘War-Thanes’ with ‘War-thanes’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Magi-magic, and’ with ‘Magi-magic and’. Replaced ‘Elementalism, and’ with ‘Elementalism and’.

  (118) Replaced ‘of if’ with ‘or if’. Replaced ‘Kai-alchemy, and’ with ‘Kai-alchemy and’. Replaced ‘Weapon “Magnara”, and’ with ‘Weapon “Magnara” and’.

  (119) Replaced ‘agarashi’ with ‘Agarashi’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced each occurrence of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘If the combat lasts’ with ‘If you win the combat in’.