The Kingdoms of Terror Read online
Page 8
If you wish to pay the levy, give the guard 3 Gold Crowns and turn to 332.
If you do not wish to pay the tax and wish to try to ride past the guard, turn to 115.
No sooner have the doors of the inn slammed shut than you find yourself face to face with the city watch patrol. Every night, as a matter of routine, they wait for the drunks and rejects from the Inn of the Crossed Swords to be thrown onto the street. The burly guards grab you by the shoulders and attempt to strip you of your belongings before bundling you into a waiting cart. Instinctively, you fight to break free, but the guards take this as a threat. They unsheathe their swords and attack. You cannot evade combat and must fight the city watch to the death.
Varetta City Watch: COMBAT SKILL 18 ENDURANCE 35
If you win the combat, turn to 34.
You prise open the visor of the dead warrior's helmet, half-expecting to see the rough features of a bandit or highwayman. It comes as a shock to find the cold and empty eyes of a dead woman staring back at you. The shape of her body was concealed by the thick plates of armour and a clutch of magras reeds in the mouth-piece of her visor had effectively disguised her voice.
You find few clues to identify her: an Axe, a pouch containing 11 Gold Crowns, a Dagger, and a Silver Brooch are all she carries: hired killers travel light. You examine the Silver Brooch and decide to keep it. (Mark this as a Special Item on your Action Chart.) There is something vaguely familiar about her face but you cannot remember why. Suddenly, your thoughts return to the plight of your companion — his life is in danger. You mount your horse without further delay and gallop across the Denka Bridge in pursuit.
Turn to 39.
You press on diligently, counting the steps that take you along the sewer until you reach a narrow vault a little over one hundred and fifty yards from the previous junction. An iron ladder, its rungs pitted with rust, rises out of the water to an arched stone door. Beneath the door, the sewer continues into the darkness.
If you wish to climb the ladder and investigate the arched door, turn to 259.
If you wish to continue along the passage, turn to 339.
Cyrilus offers to stay and look after the horses while you take part in the contest. He says that archery holds no interest for him, but you suspect this is just an excuse to take an afternoon nap. You hand him the reins of your horse and hurry to join a line of men waiting to enter the tournament field.
The event reminds you of a Sommlending village pageant and the jugglers, the dancers, and the numerous sideshows all add to the festive spirit. Eventually, you reach the gate where a cheerful old lady is collecting the 2 Gold Crowns entrance fee. You hand over your Crowns (remember to mark these off on your Action Chart) and enter a large tent where the other competitors are stringing their bows.
If you have a Bow, turn to 340.
If you do not have a Bow, turn to 18.
The blade whistles towards your chest. You throw yourself to the deck — but are your reactions fast enough to save you from this deadly blade?
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus or Divination, deduct 2 from the number you have picked. If you possess a shield, deduct 3 from the number you have picked.
If your total is now 4 or less, turn to 184.
If it is now 5 or more, turn to 51.
You have ridden less than a mile when the surface of the highway changes from cobblestones to flattened earth. There are no fresh tracks in this earth, so the riders cannot have left the village by this road.
If you wish to ride back to the village, turn to 52.
If you wish to hide in the trees bordering the highway to wait and see if the riders show themselves, turn to 196.
If you wish to return to the junction and take the hill track, turn to 241.
The dormitory is a long, narrow, low-ceilinged hall at the rear of the tavern, full of snoring mercenaries and the smell of stale sweat. You pick a straw mattress next to a window, braving the cold draught whipping through its shattered pane; at least this carries away the foul air.
In the middle of the night you are woken by a bright light. A shooting star of sun-like brilliance arcs over the city, shedding a rainbow of colour over the drab dormitory. You watch as the star slowly disappears before settling down once more to your much needed rest. It seems as if you have only just closed your eyes when the loud and loathsome clang of the dormitory bell fills your ears.
‘All awake! All awake! A new day dawns, my fine brave lads!’ The voice of the tavern-keeper is echoed by the groans of a hundred bleary-eyed soldiers, as they drag themselves coughing and wheezing from their beds.
You dress, gather your equipment, and collect your horse from the stable. However, it is not until you are studying the route to Brass Street that you discover that an item is missing from your Backpack; it was stolen during the night. Erase one Backpack Item of your choice from your Action Chart before setting off for Brass Street.
Turn to 300.
The survivors flee into the dark, leaving their leader and over half their number lying dead at your feet. Leaning down from the saddle, you snatch a pouch that hangs from the dead leader's belt. It contains 12 Gold Crowns and a Ruby Ring. You may keep the Crowns and the Ring. If you take the Ring, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item which is to be carried in your pocket.
You hear the crunch of boots on stone as a group of soldiers tramp up the street from the river, moving disdainfully through the crowds of people that have gathered to watch. Sheathing your blood-smeared weapon, you rein your horse about to take off along the darkening street.
Turn to 289.
By noon, the hills lie far behind, and you catch your first sight of the snow-capped Ceners. To the south, nestling at the foot of this mountain range, is Amory. You are tired after your ride, but you know you must press on if you are to reach the town by nightfall. You reach a junction where a stone signpost indicates two directions: northwest to Soren and south to Amory. Both towns lie exactly 25 miles from this point. You are hungry and must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
If you wish to continue your ride to Amory, turn to 96.
If you wish to change direction and head for Soren, turn to 247.
The street is narrow and crowded with all manner of fighting men: mercenaries from the south who have come to Varetta in search of employment. They fill the tiny alleyways that branch off from the main street, and the air is full with their noisy banter. The smell of food mingles with the odour of sweat and leather, and flickering lanterns swing in the chill night breeze. Nobody pays attention to you, and you follow the winding cobblestones without any hindrance until you reach a magnificent half-timbered building. Large bow windows display an eye-catching assortment of creatures of all shapes and sizes, stuffed or mounted on wooden plaques. A sign by the door reads:
If you wish to dismount and enter this fascinating shop, turn to 121.
If you wish to continue along the winding street, turn to 279.
‘If you will not part with the bow, then perhaps you have something else of value that will persuade me to part with my horse?’ he says, shrewdly.
Altan will accept either 2 Special Items or 20 Gold Crowns in exchange for his horse.
If you agree to his proposal, turn to 212.
If you cannot, or do not wish to, agree to his proposal, turn to 176.
‘May I offer you some refreshment before you leave? I can see by the dust on your tunic that you have travelled far today.’ The man brings forward a silver tray on which stand a ruby glass decanter and two crystal goblets. He fills the goblets with wine and offers one to you.
If you wish to accept his generous offer,
take the goblet and turn to 228.
If you wish to decline his offer and leave the taxidermy, turn to 279.
Your horse is hit and mortally wounded. It stumbles, and in the shrieking press of horses and men, you are barged aside and thrown over the stone parapet of the bridge. You hit the water head-first and are swept away by the powerful current of the River Quarl.
Turn to 306.
The narrow street begins its steep descent towards the wharves and huge warehouses that line the River Quarl. The sun is now below the horizon and lanterns are being lit in the twisting alleys and passages of the dingy town. From open alehouse doors the red glare of roaring fires colours the oily black cobblestones.
You have been riding for barely a minute when the street ahead is blocked by a procession of men, advancing up the hill towards you. They are dressed in red cloaks with black hoods and carry large scarlet candles, which flicker in the chill evening breeze.
Illustration X—‘Are you a believer or an unbeliever?’
Their leader is a tall man with hard grey eyes. He fixes you with a stare and slowly raises his hands; the procession halts. ‘Are you a believer or an unbeliever?’ he cries, his voice as piercing as his stare.
If you have ever been to the buried temple of Maaken, turn to 294.
If you wish to answer ‘believer’, turn to 108.
If you wish to answer ‘unbeliever’, turn to 67.
You agree to meet the captain in the apothecary in one hour's time before beginning your exploration of Luyen. Further along the street you notice a dusty shop window full of weapons. Above the door you see a sign.
DEMICO'S WEAPONSHOP — All Weapons Bought & Sold
If you wish to enter this second-hand weapons shop, turn to 98.
If you would rather continue along the street, turn to 275.
The bolt screams through the air and hits you from the side, tearing a furrow of skin and muscle from your ribs before embedding itself in the side of the log hut. (You lose 5 ENDURANCE points.) Stifling a cry of pain, you stagger towards your horse. The warrior has discarded his empty crossbow and is now spurring his mount across the bridge in pursuit of his companions.
If you have a Bow, turn to 178.
If you do not have a Bow and have to mount your horse and give chase, turn to 39.
The man grasps the woman by the wrist and uncovers the arm cradled around her baby. Clasped between her fingers is a hat pin with which she pricks the baby's skin to make it cry.
‘You'll be beggin' in the streets yourself before dawn if you be taken in b'likes of her,’ he says.
The woman pulls free from his grasp, curses, and disappears among the scruffy crowd of mercenaries wandering the street.
‘Who d'you serve?’ asks the man, his brutal face framed by a closely cropped red beard, ‘or d'you come in search of a captain, eh?’
If you wish to talk to this man, turn to 181.
If you wish to ignore him and ride off, turn to 279.
You release the Arrow, but it narrowly misses its target and clatters harmlessly against the chapel wall. The creature is now upon you, and there is no time to draw another weapon.
You must fight the first round of combat with your bare hands (deduct 4 points from your COMBAT SKILL for this round only). At the start of the second round, you may draw a weapon (if you have one), and fight the creature normally. If you survive 4 rounds of combat, you can evade the Yawshath by escaping through the archway by which you entered the chapel.
If you survive 4 rounds of combat and wish to evade, turn to 305.
If you win the combat, turn to 112.
Only brute force will break the seal of encrusted filth and open the door.
To break open the door, you should follow the normal combat rules. Any ENDURANCE points that you lose during this ‘combat’ represent the fatigue you suffer as you hack and batter the door.
If you wish to cease ‘combat’ at any time and continue along the sewer, turn to 339.
If you reduce the door's RESISTANCE (ENDURANCE) to 0, turn to 200.
The food tastes even better than it smells (restore 1 ENDURANCE point). If you wish, you may also take enough bread for up to 2 Meals. Remember to make the necessary adjustment to your Action Chart.
You are about to walk around the counter to examine the back room when you hear a faint cry for help. It is Cyrilus — he is in trouble.
Turn to 317.
The passage leads to a vaulted cellar, as cold and as silent as a tomb. Gwynian talks with his brothers who then hurry off towards a distant portal. As they disappear into the dark, he returns to your side, his face sombre but composed.
‘The Lorestone of Varetta is hidden in the crypt of the cathedral of Tekaro. This key will unlock the tomb in which it lies.’ He produces a Small Silver Key from his sleeve and gives it to you.
‘My brothers will provide a swift horse for your journey. When the observatory clock strikes midnight, enter the portal and follow the passage to the end. It passes beneath the city wall, and your horse will be waiting where the passage comes to the surface. You are welcome to take any items you require from this cellar that may be of use to you on your quest. May the gods protect you, Lone Wolf.’ You nod your thanks and watch as Gwynian disappears into the portal.
The cellar is well stocked with provisions and you find the following items that could be of use on your journey to Tekaro:
Enough food for 3 Meals
Brass Whistle (Special Item)
Short Sword
Together with the Small Silver Key that Gwynian gave you (mark this as a Special Item that you keep in your pocket), you collect together all the items you wish to keep and settle down for the long wait till midnight.
Turn to 175.
‘You insult us, stranger,’ hisses the scar-faced man as he springs to his feet. Suddenly, the noisy hall becomes as silent as the grave: all eyes are on you. Some merchants to your left hurriedly move away as the two other warriors kick over their table and draw their swords.
‘Strike!’ they shout and attack. You must fight all three as one enemy. You cannot evade combat or make use of a Bow.
Varettian Mercenaries: COMBAT SKILL 26 ENDURANCE 35
If you win the combat, turn to 48.
Grabbing hold of the door, you slam it shut as hard as you can. The youth is unprepared, and the door catches him squarely in the face somersaulting him backwards over a table and chair. As the door rebounds open again, you see him sprawled flat on his back, unconscious, with a huge lump beginning to swell in the centre of his forehead.
You pick up a square of blue card and notice that it is stamped with today's date. This will grant you access to the town of Amory, but only for today. You pocket the Cess (mark this as a Special Item on your Action Chart) and leave before the youth comes to his senses.
Turn to 146.
As you drop your Belt Pouch into the palm of the robber, you feel an agonizing pain tear through your side.
‘Did you think we would let you live to identify us?’ sneers the robber, but his voice fades as you collapse to the floor. The robbers melt away into the crowd, and by the time your murder has been discovered, they are safely hiding in another part of the vast city.
Your life and your quest end here.
Instinctively, you dive and roll, drawing your weapon as you rise again to your feet. Your lightning-fast reactions have saved you from the clutches of a shambling, blunt-nosed monster that preys on unwary pilgrims to this spa. However, it is not deterred, and with a
hideous snickering caw, its feral eyes glowing with hatred, it shuffles hungrily towards you.
If you have a Bow, turn to 198.
If you do not have a Bow, turn to 343.
Twenty yards out from the bank you hear a cry go up: ‘Stop that man!’ The Ogrons drop their tools and scurry to the water's edge. Some of them have bows which they hurriedly load and fire.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility, add 4 to the number you have picked.
If your total score is now 3 or less, turn to 197.
If it is 4 or higher, turn to 229.
Your Magnakai skill makes you particularly alert to the deadly missile screaming towards your chest — suddenly everything seems to be happening in slow motion. You pull away from the bolt just in time, and the quarrel merely grazes your shoulder. (You lose 2 ENDURANCE points.) You see your attacker hurl the crossbow to the ground. From within the closed helmet of black steel a voice shouts out: ‘Die, Northlander!’
Illustration XI—From within the closed helm of black steel a voice shouts out ‘Die, Northlander!’