The Kingdoms of Terror Read online
Page 9
The warrior charges out of the Denka Gate with an axe held high in his hand. You cannot avoid him and must fight him to the death.
Armoured Assassin: COMBAT SKILL 24 ENDURANCE 26
Due to the speed of this attack, you cannot make use of a Bow. However, if you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, you may add 1 point to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight.
If you win the fight, turn to 28.
‘Certainly, sir. We of the Guild of City Criers are only too pleased to be of service,’ says the Kloon, waddling over to the bookshelves. He scampers to the top and removes a slim map from between a stack of papers before scuttling back down and depositing it at your feet.
‘That will be 5 Gold Crowns, sir,’ he says, in a firm but polite tone.
If you wish to pay the Kloon for the Map of Varetta, turn to 16.
If you cannot or do not wish to pay him, turn to 262.
Valiantly your horse attempts to clear the high-sided wagon, but the long day's ride has taken its toll. Suddenly you are thrown forward in the saddle as its forelegs crash against the wagon's rail. You cling desperately to the reins as your terrified horse scatters the cargo and then lands with a tremendous crash on the cobblestoned street. You manage to regain control and spur her along the winding street that leads away from the square. Only when the curses of the town guard can no longer be heard do you rein in your terrified and exhausted mare and take stock of her injuries. The forelegs are bruised, but the skin is not broken. With a good night's rest she should be perfectly all right by morning.
As you remount, you discover to your dismay that the flap of your Backpack is unbuckled. A quick check reveals that two items are missing, which fell from your pack during the jump. Erase any two Backpack Items from your Action Chart.
Turn to 332.
Loud and raucous laughter greets your tired ears as you enter the Stornside Tavern. A motley throng of drinkers, over-dressed and over-armed, prop up the bar along the back wall. Suddenly a voice calls out to you, and you raise your weary eyes. It is the captain, the mercenary leader you met at the Inn of the Crossed Swords.
‘Well met, my friend,’ he cries and slaps you enthusiastically on the shoulder. ‘So you've changed your mind. You have come to join my band of fearless fighters.’ Before you have a chance to reply, a foaming tankard is thrust into your hand.
‘To the battle and a full purse!’ he shouts, and his toast is echoed by a score of drunken voices.
The captain and his men are bound for Eula aboard the riverboat that leaves at midnight. If you sail with them he will pay for your passage.
If you wish to sail with the captain at midnight, turn to 341.
If you wish to make your own way to Tekaro by road, turn to 118.
It is nearly dark when you catch sight of a tavern on the road ahead. Two guttering torches set into rusty brackets illuminate the sign nailed above the door:
You recognize the name of the tavern that Cyrilus spoke of this morning, and it grieves you that he is not here to accompany you. Distant thunder rumbles through the hills as you stable your horse and enter the welcoming warmth of the taproom. The tavern is alive with the chatter of merchants, the clink of glasses, and the crackle of a blazing fire. The centre of the room is dominated by a small stage on which a conjurer is performing his tricks to the delight of the customers.
If you wish to stand and watch the conjurer, turn to 199.
If you wish to enquire about a room for the night, turn to 253.
The iron door is unlocked, but you discover to your horror that the hinges are so badly rusted that the door will not move an inch. Suddenly, the Yawshath appears at the top of the stone staircase, snickering and gibbering horribly. It fixes you with its red eyes and prepares to pounce.
If you have completed the Lore-circle of Fire (that is, you possess the Magnakai Disciplines of Weaponmastery and Huntmastery), turn to 65.
If you do not possess these skills and wish to prepare to defend yourself, turn to 222.
If you would rather turn and run deeper into the ruins, turn to 285.
The riverboat is still rocking violently from the collision, throwing you off balance. You raise an Arrow, take aim at the man's chest, and try to anticipate the shift of the deck as you prepare to fire.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, add 3 to your score. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, add 1 to your score.
If your total is now 5 or lower, turn to 23.
If it is now 6 or higher, turn to 265.
The water is freezing cold. It saps your strength, and you find it increasingly harder to swim against the strong converging river currents. Eventually, you reach the rocky bank and stagger ashore near the sewer outfall. Unless you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, you lose 1 ENDURANCE point due to the cold.
Turn to 249.
You choose a seat near the corner: one that is laid for dinner and offers a clear view of the hall. A serving girl soon appears carrying a platter laden with roasted meat, and she proceeds to stack a generous helping on your plate.
‘Two Gold Crowns, if you please, sir,’ she says, presenting an open hand bloodied by the food.
You pay (remember to deduct the Crowns from your Action Chart) and settle down to your feast. While you are eating, you are approached by the innkeeper. He is a fat, oily individual with small, piggish eyes.
‘My lad tells me that he's tended to your mare — she's in good 'ands 'ere — the best stables in all o' Quarlen.’ The man shifts nervously from one foot to the other, as if he is uncomfortable in your presence. ‘You'll be wantin' a room, I take it?’
You finish a mouthful of food before nodding your reply. ‘You're in luck, my friend,’ he answers, obviously relieved that you have turned out to be a paying guest. ‘We 'ave one room left — Room 17.’
He produces a plain iron key from his apron pocket and sets it down beside your plate. ‘That'll be 3 Gold Crowns, sir — in advance.’ You pay the innkeeper and slip the key into your pocket.
Turn to 219.
You notice that the man's clothes and hair are streaked with blood. Your initial instinct is to use your Magnakai skill to heal his wounds, but as he reaches the church gate you suddenly realize that he is not wounded at all. The red stains are berry juice; his injuries are fake.
If you wish to challenge him, turn to 337.
If you wish to gallop away from the church as quickly as possible, turn to 191.
A cry of pained surprise escapes from between your clenched teeth as the bolt tears both the skin and muscle from your ribs (lose 5 ENDURANCE points). However, your sheer strength of will, heightened by your Kai training and discipline, helps you to overcome the shock of impact and remain upright in the saddle.
If you are still alive after this attack, turn to 234.
When the observatory clock strikes twelve, you are poised and ready to enter the portal. You follow a dry stone passageway until you arrive at an iron door. It opens with a grating squeal and a gust of damp, earthy air, mixed with a strange sweetness, billows out. Before you, a narrow stone stairway twists away into the darkness. You are forced to tread carefully on the green and slippery steps. At the bottom of the stairs a rough-hewn tunnel disappears to the west. You press on and eventually arrive at another iron door. Gwynian has kept his word, for beyond the door awaits a fine liver chestnut mare, saddled and ready to ride.
You are in a small copse close to a highway junction. In the light of the moon you can see a signpost that indicates two destinations — Amory and Soren. Consult the map before deciding which way to go.
If you decide to take the highway to Amory, tu
rn to 331.
If you decide to take the highway to Soren, turn to 267.
You decline the offer and go in search of some other means of finding Cyrilus. The village stables are locked and guarded, but at the rear of the blacksmithy you discover just what you are looking for. A young stallion is pacing the paddock, its saddle and blanket slung over the gate. At first he is wary of your approach, but he soon senses that you mean no harm and you have no difficulty in preparing him for the ride. Once clear of the paddock, you canter around the blacksmithy and onto the highway.
Turn to 271.
‘Ah! You're in luck, stranger. The dice favour you tonight.’ The man staggers drunkenly to his feet and points to an alley in the middle distance where a doorway is just visible in the shadows. ‘The city criers live there. They'll tell you the way to Brass Street.’
You nod your thanks and spur your horse along the street towards the darkened doorway.
Turn to 25.
The warrior gallops off, his cloak billowing from his shoulders like huge black wings as his horse speeds across the bridge. You draw an Arrow to your lips and take careful aim — you will have no second chance.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, add 3 to the number you have picked.
If your total score is now 7 or below, turn to 296.
If your total score is now 8 or above, turn to 303.
They will not let you touch any of the pontoons. If any go missing they will each receive 100 lashes as punishment for their negligence. They keep a watchful eye on you until you leave the camp. As it is now impossible to take one of the pontoons, you resign yourself to a long, cold swim.
Turn to 171.
Trembling with pain and fury, the wounded lordling staggers back towards the door. ‘I shall have your life for this — mark my words,’ he cries.
The mocking cheers of the crowd echo in his wake as he turns and disappears into the night.
Turn to 281.
You learn that the man's name is Redbeard and that he hails from Soren, a town to the west of Varetta. He is sergeant-at-arms to a captain of mercenaries and has recently returned from battle against the Magadorians. He offers to take you to meet his captain who, he says, is the best soldier he has ever had the good fortune to serve under.
If you wish to accept his offer, turn to 256.
If you decide to decline his offer, bid him farewell and continue along the street, turn to 279.
You duck and weave as you race through the undergrowth. A charge of crackling power strikes a branch above your head; it narrowly misses you as it falls in a blazing heap by your side. You sidestep in time to avoid another charge which tears a hole in a tree trunk large enough to rest your head. You reach your horse and take off along the highway at a gallop, thankful to be alive. You have witnessed a secret ritual of the Cener Druids and survived the encounter — few can boast as much!
Turn to 102.
A loud cheer shatters the silence as Altan's winning arrow hits the target. The villagers are thrilled to have witnessed such an exciting tournament and surge across the field, eager to offer Altan their praise and congratulations. As the tall woodsman disappears from view amid the teeming crowd, you take the opportunity to slip away unnoticed.
If you have used a borrowed bow for the tournament, you must return it to the tent before making your way back to Cyrilus.
Turn to 33.
The dagger shaves a lock of hair from your head before sinking inches deep into the wooden parapet rail. The shock of your swift move unnerves the pirate, and he is off balance when you leap to your feet and attack. Before he knows what has hit him, he is tumbling over the side into the cold deep waters of the Storn.
Turn to 254.
Having hitched your horse to a rail, you climb the crooked steps leading to the door of the ale hut. Cyrilus is announcing his arrival by rapping on the Denka Gate with his staff and shouting for his brother to open up. You smile at his growing impatience as he hammers at the gate; if his brother is anything like Cyrilus, he is probably fast asleep.
Inside, the hut looks deserted, but as you approach the bar you find a man slouched on a low stool, half-asleep with a tankard in his hand.
If you wish to wake him, turn to 93.
If you wish to draw some ale from a cask on the bar, turn to 266.
You concentrate your Magnakai Discipline on agitating the particles of dirt that wedge the door shut. Gradually the stone begins to vibrate, and cracks appear around the jamb as the dirt begins to crumble.
Turn to 200.
Twisting aside at the last moment, you manage to avoid one deadly pike head but cannot dodge the other. It rips into your tunic and scrapes your flesh (lose 3 ENDURANCE points). Your anger rises and you fight to free your weapon, which has become entangled in the straps of your saddle. The guards see that you are trapped and push forward before you have a chance to retaliate.
Turn to 22.
Your immediate peril stops you dwelling too much on the reason why these riders should try to abduct Cyrilus. However, it does occur to you that he is neither wealthy nor powerful and so a poor prospect for a rich ransom.
Illustration XII—On a charger as black as midnight sits a scar-faced young man.
As you reach the bottom of the wooded crag, a stone church and graveyard loom into view at a point where the highway turns sharply to the west. Blocking the road, on a charger as black as midnight, sits a scar-faced young man. His eyes, set in a white and disfigured face, burn with a cold dark glow. You recognize him immediately. It is Roark, the lordling you defeated at the Barrel Bridge Tavern.
If you possess a Silver Brooch, turn to 31.
If you do not have this Special Item, turn to 14.
The thin-faced merchant bids you sit at his table, his shrewd eyes narrowing at the thought of a new and profitable deal. You tell him that you require some information and may be willing to pay for it if the price is right. He asks the nature of this information, but when you ask for the directions to Brass Street, his business-like mood suddenly changes.
Turn to 47.
Crazed with hatred and rage, the Yawshath springs from the top of the mound of rubble and dives straight for you. Its frenzy has made it blind to the peril of the precipice and, as you leap aside, it hurtles past and disappears into the void. Seconds later you hear a shriek as it crashes into the rocks hundreds of feet below.
Shaken, but thankful to be alive, you return to the chapel and fill your glass jar with Taunor Water (there is enough spa water to restore 6 ENDURANCE points). You may drink the Water now or place it in your Backpack for future use.
If you wish to make a search of the chapel, turn to 24.
If you decide to return to Cyrilus, turn to 338.
You are tired after your long night's ride, but you know you must press on if you are to reach the town of Soren by nightfall. You come to a shallow stream, which crosses the highway, and here you stop briefly at a ford to wash and rest. You must also now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Beside the ford stands a signpost pointing to the west:
Turn to 102.
Splashing through ankle-deep slime, you suddenly catch sight of two glowing pinpoints of red light in the darkness ahead. They grow larger and brighter and suddenly you realize the awful truth — there are two Yawshaths. Their hideous laughter builds to a deafening climax as they close in for the kill. Unwittingly, you have entered their lair and now they have you trapped.
You fight valiantly but the creatures finally overwhelm you in the dark and fetid confines of
the passage. You are torn limb from limb, with no one to hear your cries for help.
Your quest and your life end here in the dungeons of Castle Taunor.
The Kloon begins to wail as you dispatch his vicious watchdog. With scarlet tears streaming from his crimson eyes, he scampers out of the room and bolts the door. After wiping the blood from your hands, you pick up a Map of Varetta and hurry out of the room.
Turn to 16.
The howling mob scream like men possessed as they hack and slash at your unarmoured legs. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, you may add 2 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight, for it enables you to command your horse to attack with its hooves.
Acolytes of Vashna: COMBAT SKILL 22 ENDURANCE 48
If you wish to evade combat at any time, turn to 289.
If you win the combat, turn to 145.
Suddenly, you sense that you are in grave peril, and you listen carefully at the keyhole to determine what is being said by the preacher.
‘… and so I beseech you, my brothers, do not listen to Gwynian's foolish and dangerous theory. The star that shone in the night is a warning to us to guard our knowledge, to keep safe the secret of the Lorestone. We must stop all those who would use its power for their own wicked ends.’